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Sunday, 31 January 2010
New Games?

Chilling out without feeling Rubbish on a Sunday
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Shoot in London town

Random fact; most people think that the name of the tower is Big Ben but its not, Big ben is the name of the 1st bell, not the tower! Big Ben is the largest four-faced chiming clock. This is the 2nd bell as the 1st tower was destroyed by fire on the night of 16 October 1834
A New day at Midnight
Well today was anice one, waking up to the sweet sounds of my lady. Something seams different!
She had set up the sofa with the slanket, Tea waiting for me on the side and even then cat came up to say hello.
Then off to Edwards to have a look at some bikes... The last time i was out to buy a bike it was for my brother in Croyden You remeber thw white one?? Well his probly not reading this so I'll save you from a long story.
Anyways, Im thinking a new bake should be around what, £100 maybe 150? Well they did have some for that but nothing like I would think. The ones i liked (Suds law) started around the £250 mark and went all the way to £899.00
Now looking at the halfords homepage, Cheep and looking ok but I'll have to wait a month before i can even really thinkg about it
But then on the way home I poped into the food shop and get so

me bits including a little thing for Jinxie baby
How sweet! Dont you think?
All in all a very nice day, Played some Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, yet anothe
r game im in a rush to complet before the sequal.... My work is never done
Friday, 29 January 2010
Mass Effect is done

My female Sheppard finished the fight and now I’m looking forward to playing to 2nd of 3 in this heavily western RPG
Its taken me a while to get it done mostly to the depth of the game, also I left if after getting stuck on an early boss. I put it down not to pick it back up for about 6months, a pone hearing that the 2nd one was coming out this February
Now. The Sex.... This game was boosted up to have some kinky love fun and in the end I got jiggy with a doggy looking dude with nutter who has headaches most of the time, and all you got was some bear ass for about 2 seconds butt for she has her close back on in less time that it takes to shake hands... I’m not saying I wanted a full length DVD but come on, this was one of the big selling point. Anyways I was hoping to hook up with the blue female with tits on her head
zero-punctuation review
Ninja Gaiden 2 FINISHED!!
This might come as a bit of a shock to some but I really liked it. Yes the game was buggy and some of the platform bits are just shit. Add to that the shity camera and some of the worst script since "no holds barred" but Its HARD & FUN
I know most games these days are so fucking easy that your mum could clock them in a day on the hardest setting with one of her hands changing your pampers. Getting ass raped and asking for more, I mean Ninja Gaiden 2 is changeling for a change. Easy mode will test most gamers to the point of tossing there control out of the window, picking it up again and then walking to the top floor of there block of flats. Saying hello to the up stares neighbours and then tossing it out there window as well
Ipad.... Coming soon
I'm sure that some of you know, but for the rest. Apple have the 1st working mainstream product that makes 2010 the year of the future. The Ipad is something straight outta most sci-fi movies, this is definitely going to be something to keep your eyes on.
Think mixing your smart phone with a laptop; make it a single tablet, and touch screen (so no need for a keyboard). Its thin (0.5inch) light (1.5ponds) massive 9.7inch IPS Screen. Works just like the touch/iPhone with a 1GHz A4chip and take 16GB-64GB Flash storage
Wi-Fi 802.11n and bluetooth2.1
Microphone, Speaker and 30-pin lead (normal iPod lead)
Battery life is a shocking 10hour on one charge, and a month of standby life, this is shockingly good for something like this, most lap tops can only reach 4hours on a single charge
Welcome to the POS new blog from the skinny boy
Well its looking like my site is just being really REALLY rubbish...
So im going to use blogger as a temp and maybe take over as my site can be a little bit of a pain some times.