Today fluff & I was sitting on the sofa, I was playing Call of duty, she was reading a book. Rain started to hit the window. Soon after the lightening flashed and then thunder hit.
Fluff being fluff does not like big bangs like fireworks and thunder so she was like a cat, on edge and not having a good time. She told me to stop playing games (In Sweden they turn off all the electrics in the house or something).
Then BANG!! We both saw a flash of light, Fluff screamed, car alarms went off, I nearly hit the roof. I checked the wall socket where I through the flash came from, nothing there at all. No black makes no burns, The telly and the Xbox was still on and working. Nothing wrong with the computers as well.
Hours later and we get a call from Sweden, we're told that they have been trying to get through for hours.... we have not touched the phone??
Now it looks like the lightening /thunder has poped the phone line some how, the sky box is down(for the interactive bit anyways) but the Net is still working.... any ideas on that one? going to swap the micro-filter in a bit, see if that helps