Sample Photos

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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Blogs and Photography

I just spent some time reading on a friend and fellow photographer's blog (His a pro an far better then I could be his SITE).

The way that he talks about photography and the passion that he has really opens my eyes, I started photography to document what I'm up to and things that I like(poi, raving etc) but never knew it would take over my life the way it has, I carry around half a tone on gear just in case something comes my way or an idea hits me. I look at life a whole different way now... I see in shots!

Spending time in Sweden witch is a beautiful country has made me look even more, stopping on the bike rides to check out an angle or a spot to shot in. Using the camera and lens to get the effect, using a speed light\flash to get the lighting just right. Taking the time to Come off "P" and change the settings to make what I see come out on screen. Its turning more into an addiction then a hobbie.

I love what I do and I would love to live my dream as a photographer, Making money from working with the len and the people in front of it. Knowing the right skills and when to use them. Reading up on new tricks and kit - and how to us them with what in front of me.

I do have trouble finding people to shoot, I have my girlfriend who is happy to try things but hearing about this tech and that new expensive lens drives her around the bend. plus using her as a subject it rare, And its a crying shame as she is a beautiful young lady with all the makings of a model in my eyes.

Today one of my lens died(again) so my wide angel lens is making nosies that would make any photographer run for the door every time its turned on or off, so its something I have to get fixed when I get back home.

In closing - I'm hooked on the photo bug. I just feel that I'm opening a new door on life, not a second goes by without me thinking of this shot or that pic in the newspapers. If you look at life in the same way weather its in Photography or in your own way is that bad or is that just life telling you, That you have found what you should be doing with your life?

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Things to do in a Swedish Summer

The Sun is back in the south lands of Sweden today and im pushed for what to do. I have a new book to read and its going well (the girl with the dragon tattoo) I got a flower stick set I can play with, its fun but kinda feels a little cheap(it just doesnt hold a candle to staff and poi in the feeling it gives)

I have modded Frank (the Staff) so now I can spin him with the extra weight of 20 Swedish kronor on each end. Funny how its weight cost more then the stick in the 1st place.

I have also been playing with my poi, having flowlight handels in the case's and my watermellons in there crystal cases at the other end, its fun but a little tricky no having finger loops to hold onto. The extra weight from the cases help doing throws and I tell all my flow brothers and sisters to give it a try if they have extra toys.

I might get some more pics today as well but seeing as its still early there is loads of time left, Last night I did some long shutter photos of the nights sky. getting the stars as the earth moves below. 55mins later you can really see the spin of the little old rock we live on. Tonight I'm going to try it again with a longer exposer away from the house(to cut out any light from us monkeys)

I'll post a Photo when im back in the town house

Monday, 26 July 2010


We all have them but I sometimes have very vivved dreams about things, and I always try to work out what they mean.

What are dreams really? random images running through your mind or are they your wishes and hopes coming true for the minds sake at least? Do they mean something to you or are they a guide to what you should be doing in your life. Could they be trips to the future if you believe in the theory of precognitive. or are they just a mush of the things from the pasted days events?

Last night I had a dream about jumping super high because I was holding onto a Fuel bottle. 20 to 30 feet in the air with just one jump, almost flying as I jumped from place to place. Then I was lost so I got a bus back to somewhere that I knew(I rarely know the places in my dreams but in the dream there something formilea about the location) I meet 3 of my friends on this bus and the train that followed. One from back in my raving days and 2 of my closest friends now, Before I knew it I was at a flat that I think the 3 of us lived in(not the old raving mate).

Then a 4th person came, a girl that smoked and had tattoos, dark hair and had braces on her teeth. The 5 of us where cuddle on the sofa watching telly. Me in between the 2 girls and my friends on the other side. Next I was asked something from witch I was told they had already talked about earlier.

Now I know my friends had the best intentions for this plot of there's but I could not take them up on the offer, Even through I'm dream me - I am still me. I have the same ideas and feeling that I have in the real world. I feel pain when I fall from great hight's, I feel guilty for hurting someone else and if I do something that is so out of character I wake up disorientated with bad feelings and guilt in myself. I walk around like a zombie trying my best to work out what the fuck it all meant.

If you can work it out I would love to hear theory on it but I have given up with this one.

Friday, 23 July 2010


I'm also trying to get hold of this track but the torrents are dead.... no fun. A friend of mine has it on CD so I might have to borry it from him to get hold of it

Wash day again!

So far today we have come into Lund to do a wash... Mumma Swedish and Fluff went to the flat and I jumped off in town to get some stuff.

Its such a lovely day and I'm really happy to be out in it.

But this is going a little to fast for my liking... My time is running out now and I better start enjoying myself more lol

Poi into the night

As me and Christian was playing poi, I was working on doing some moves including the BW-Triquetras and Chris was working on some of the buzzsaw variations.

We played will around 2am and I think we really got some work done... but the swich between the FW and BW Triquetras is going to take some work!

The 22nd

Sorry for the crud photo but im pushed for time today.

Apart from Chistian coming it was mostly a chilled day, We feed the cats and had a lovely meal. Popped into Vellingen to get a movie (napoleon dynomight) and in the evening, me and Chris played some poi. Its so nice to just have fun and not HAVE to do anything at all.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

A run through Malmö & alot of walking

Today was a very sweet day, we had to get back to the farm house as the brother in law was due to come up. We also had an extra guest in HappyStrets mum was popping by.

But 1st on the list was to run into malmö to have a little look around the shops we missed yesterday. We did not see that much but in Indska we found a baby lamp very much like the full size one we have in the flat now. Its tiny and cute so we picked it up for 299:-

The to find a bus to Landet(the county), the 150 took us all the way there... It was a really nice trip and Fluff and I had to walk down the long road to the house with the sun beating down on us. You can feel like a king sometimes on this road.

After a great dinner we went for a walk on that same road again as the sun was setting. This is something that we do every year but this year it was extra nice, DaddyP was running and shot right pasted us like a stream train, but before to long the alk came to an end as a bee the size of your thumb smacked me in the arm. This is the same type of bee that attacked us a few years ago but there was more that time - evil giant bee's

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Now for my last blog update tonight

Today Fluff and I went into Malmö. Were staying in the Town tonight so we could get some things to watch at the Farm house and chill out up here.

We had a long walk around the shops and then headed for a little paster place Fluff went back in then days of the One Dance Stuido. I got a plate so big that not even I could finish it... WOW!

After a little bit more walking we got on the train and then the bus to the townhouse, after a little chat with my favort prodigal son exiled in norwegian. We watch a little so you think you can dance (LINK)

Sunday is a Chilled day

Today was Aunty Eäs last day with us so we had a lovely brackfast and droped her off to the bus. Then I did alittle more B&W stuff and spun some poi in the evening... I found a great spot to spin some poi (once I get home ill uplad the vids after some editing)

Skinny has a Black & white day

With so many things to shoot in such a lovely part of the world... The idea of doing some B&W shots came to mind, going for a classic look I turned on the B&W mode on my Dslr and got happy. With some get pics of the cats and the inside of the farmhouse - I chose this one of the fire place that really makes me smile knowing that there was once a family of birds living in there

Saturday At the Farm

Today was a much more chilled day, I went out on the farm to do some work, I looked all over the barn and farm looking for nice photos to take, doing some derelict shoot. All in all I got some ideas but there is so much to see and shoot that I was kinda in overdrive. I am going to be doing some more while Iäm still here... but I will get fluff to help me find the really good shots.

We have Aunty E over for the weekend.

We had a lovely meal with chicken and julgubbes (strawberries) for afters... Gotta love them little red balls of joy lol

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Friday is Wash day

We headed into the town house to do the washing and I got to see Lund for the 1st time this trip.
I jumped out on the way to get some pics and do a little shopping on the way.

I popped into game where i found one of the silliest game ideas ever and the bought it as it was only 49:- (about £5). Then I walked up the main shopping street in Lund... No much that I have not seen before but then I found a hippie shop, And guess what they sell? POI!!!!

Shit little hipping poi but still poi non the less, they had some fire poi as well ut the wicks are smaller then my noise, I did get some cone poi but i got 4 bean bags to put in them, 2 would have just been to light so I went for extra weight. Oh and i got some white hippie pants but they kinda sucked.

On the way back to the farm house We hit up Vellinge again for a movie but this time i stayed outside to play with my new poi. After chatting with the shop owner we arranged a meeting to spin some poi but in the end she pulled out, to much work for her to do, oh well ill get her next time.

Before I knew it i was in an 80s movie, remember Karate kid? remember that bit when all the bad boys show up on motorcycles?..... Well it was like that BUT they looked about as hard as a fiary cake, road in on 50cc peds and then the whole of this towns under 20's came to this one spot.

So much to do in the Summer in sweden for the youthes lol

As I aöready told you friday was was day and I just wanded to add a ligght pic from my walk around Lund

Thursday Is Zoo day

Sorry for no pics but the net in the farm house is a little slow... Reminds me of the dial up days lol

We headed up to one of swedens bigest zoos but it is home to only animals found in and around Sweden, they had bears and wildcats, lynx's and snakes but no wolfs as they had to be shot!

The sun was shining mostly and we got to see the seals being feed little fish...

I got some great pics and I'm looking forward to posting them on the site once I'm back home or at a computer with photo-shop.

Wendesday In Sweden

today was the frist real day in Sweden, And as such we chilled in the great weather. Sitting in the garden and drunk some pims and lemonade. Then off to the little town of Vellinge to get a movie.

As it was Alices name day it was up to her to chose a movie, we got My life in Ruins,

Chick flick but hey what can you say when its a name day choice.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Tuesday morning

Well after spending most of Monday running around I was Tired as hell but I could not sleep as I had an early-ish flight and I DONT DO MORNINGS! So I stayed up play some games and tidyed the flat. Finished Lego Batman(just the storie) and got everything together.

Around 3am I got my bags and left the house, London let me know she was sad I was leaving by pissing down rain all over me.... I was wearing my baggys and they got soaked in 2 mins, Got down to Victoria quick and then swapped to a tighter pair of jeans. The train was leaving about half past the hour so I got some money out. It took its time to leave London, very slowly made its way out and then for the last 20mins or so speeded up.

The flight was ok but for the 1st time since i started flying, The Cap landed and then did not like it so took off again, around for an other trip or it was Gods way of letting me finish the chapter i was reading of my new book(Danny Wallace's Awkward Situations for men).

Last but not least..... The Train from Denmark to Malmö, like with all travel in Sweden its fast smoth and always on time, with the Fluffy one waiting for me as I was getting off the Station.

Lots of sloppy and needed Kisses came my way mmmmh yummy.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Cookie comes to the MSC

Todays plan was more simple then Yesterday.

Dad was up to see my mum(she's in hospital and as such around the corner) and wanted to pop by to get some books that Fluff and I had told him about. We got him the 1st book for farthers day last year and he just finished it. A Game of Thrones is something that has got Fluff and many other's screaming.
Last on the list today was to drop keys off to Cookie as she is going to be staying at mine to looking after the Binx(changes of plans sometime become good) At least this way Jinx can be home and Cookie gets sky telly for a while lol

I think I need a holiday

Sunday 1st!!

today I was set to get up early to see 2 of my closest friends for dinner, drop Binx to Cookie and then get ready for the flight.

well 2 out of 3 ant bad lol

As it was a weekend and the tubes love to have weekends off, Making my way to DNBX and Brain's was a right pain in the arse... They only live 4 stops on the tube, But getting there without them was a right pain. I got there in time for a lovely roast and great to see them.

Getting home around 21.00 trying to miss the football I headed home to get Binx and take her to Cookie's, Funny thing about plans is that they always change. After all the stress getting back home again it was to late to cross London so we put it off till tomorrow

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Camden and more hippie pants

After my brother and nephew left I headed up to Camden.

the plan was to get 2 new sets of hippie pants and a pressy (Cant really say what).
It was pipping hot and on the tube it was like death!!

I also bumped into a friend in oddballs, Funny cos i NEVER see anyone I know when im out!

Nothing to shocking on the way up but i Did get a new set of flip-flops, I know skinny in flip-flops- whats the world coming to! There not that bad to walk in but then all i have used them for so far is around the flat.

Early Start

Today was yet another long day.

Started early with my brother knocking on the door, Little C was tapping at the letter box and I had to get up. Its always nice when i have them over, Its kinda like being back at home but we better toys and without my dad telling us to "turn that shit down!!!"

We had a little play on the Xbox and Little C is really into a game of mine. He was sining it as we walked down to the local McDs. Jinx as nom jumped right out the window when she saw my nephew coming.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Slack line @ Ally Pally

Today was another day to kill, so when i got a text from my friend asking if I was up for going up to Alexandra Palace for some playing, I jumped at it.

I got up a little later than I planed but headed up to the tube and while I waited for more info I got a call from the cookie monster. Letting me know the she could look after little jinxie and the Flat while I'm away.

I got to the Palace and my friend was not there(Hippies and time keeping again) I called one of my other mates that WAS there. She was waiting for another friend so after a little while of waiting everyone turned up and we found a little place for the slack line.

I was working on a new move for the poi and I think i have the kinda hang of it(in-spin caps)

It was really nice to be out and about and im looking forward to the next time

Friday, 9 July 2010

Then new poi Setup

My brother was ment to come and see me tonight but as he did not make it(thanks for the call btw lol). As I had a free day I poped up to Camden to get some corncord for my new poi.

This is the new set up with the help from a few friends (Oscar, Kyrill, Greenie and Charlie) I have a setup thats but user friendly for flow artist and string artist as well, so now i should be able to do EVERYTHING!!!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Skins Poi Update Summer 2010

Tonight I was chatting with a friend on facebook and the topic of making a new poi Vid came up....

Never to be a man to let anyone down I made one!!

Sorry its not very good but with the low celin in my flat and using a webcam its all a little dark and cramped, hope you enjoy

New poi Test

The Watermelons have had there 1st test today.
I mixed them with another set to see how the colours look together and I have to say, I like them! I'm going to get some new cord tomorrow (If my brother doesn't come up). Bring on the next big spin and I can really get into the grove of Spinning my little heart out

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Best Mandwich Ever

Think i just made something thats going to kill me but its going to soooo be worth it.

  • 8 Rashers bacon
  • Lettuce
  • Thick swish style bread
  • Roasted Red pepper Houmous
  • loads of butter
  • just a little bit of salt

Gay Pride 2010 + Pics

The Photos from Last Sat's Gay Pride as now live on the site, Click this LINK to see more.

The day was really sunny and the crowd was happy and shocking Gay lol... With people dressed in anything and everything in the summer sunshine. As we made our way around London from Trafalgar Sq up to Soho(Limping all the way). I even got to see my super gay, pink suitcased, camper then coffee friend Dreammaster for about 10mins.

Then back to Leicester Square where I met someone doing some poi, so i just had to go and say hello, someone I am hoping will join us down at Spits some time soon.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Family Guy Presents: Something Something Something Dark Side

I just finished watching Family Guy Presents: Something Something Something Dark Side and It was not that bad, bring the Family Guy team to do a cover of something like Starwars should not work but they did a very good job.

I have seen the 1st one (Family Guy presents Blue Harvest) and I have to say I think that one was better. Maybe it was just that it was new and the hope might have been a little to high to cover.
The Empire Strikes Back Was my farvor of the StarWars movies being that its dark and leave off with so much to come (when a cliff hanger was a good thing).

I really do hope they make a 3rd as for many- Return of the Jedi is the best of all 6. I could even see them doing the prequel trilogy as well (just to take the piss out of them).

The Burn on the beach Blog

Ok where do I start...

Last thursday a group of my friends all met up for a long night of spinning drinking and having fun. With a turn out that was pretty good (20+) we got down to business!

With some stars of the spinning crew like Gee joining us it was shaping up to be a great night, Music and fire keeped us going way into the morning after and apart from me setting my arss on fire no one was hurt!
We spun till the sun came up (as well as the tide). A night not soon forgotten as well as a must top be repeated. I'm not sure when but if you could not make it i'm going to put you on notice!

You better not miss it again!

Monday, 5 July 2010

I'm behind again!

Living a life when i dont get to stay in that long and then add that the fact that my thumb is still blister then you know why im running behind on my blogs.

This will be the 1st of many to get everyone up to speed!

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Only a few more Hours

Only a few more hours till the epic beach burn! I am hoping to end up down there a little ealry then 20.00 but you never know.... Skinny is aways thinking of things to do!

Tonight just down from the Oxo tower there is going to be a load of crazy spinners meeting up and playing with Fire, staffs and poi will be all over the London sand and I for one cant wait...

I am hoping that there is going to be turn out, and im hoping that you guys that are only thinking about it do chose to come.


Tips from a Great Spinner

A friend of mine has put up a video of some poi theories and I think his hitting a bone that you rearly see on youtube and wanted to share it with my readers