The way that he talks about photography and the passion that he has really opens my eyes, I started photography to document what I'm up to and things that I like(poi, raving etc) but never knew it would take over my life the way it has, I carry around half a tone on gear just in case something comes my way or an idea hits me. I look at life a whole different way now... I see in shots!
Spending time in Sweden witch is a beautiful country has made me look even more, stopping on the bike rides to check out an angle or a spot to shot in. Using the camera and lens to get the effect, using a speed light\flash to get the lighting just right. Taking the time to Come off "P" and change the settings to make what I see come out on screen. Its turning more into an addiction then a hobbie.
I love what I do and I would love to live my dream as a photographer, Making money from working with the len and the people in front of it. Knowing the right skills and when to use them. Reading up on new tricks and kit - and how to us them with what in front of me.
I do have trouble finding people to shoot, I have my girlfriend who is happy to try things but hearing about this tech and that new expensive lens drives her around the bend. plus using her as a subject it rare, And its a crying shame as she is a beautiful young lady with all the makings of a model in my eyes.
Today one of my lens died(again) so my wide angel lens is making nosies that would make any photographer run for the door every time its turned on or off, so its something I have to get fixed when I get back home.
In closing - I'm hooked on the photo bug. I just feel that I'm opening a new door on life, not a second goes by without me thinking of this shot or that pic in the newspapers. If you look at life in the same way weather its in Photography or in your own way is that bad or is that just life telling you, That you have found what you should be doing with your life?