On Tuesday I went to The British Museum to get my last Assignment Images. the brief was "Location project, Describe a specific location in a series of images" I finished the set for homework but I had alot of other pics that I did not use. This set is all of the photos I took on that day
Skins Other Sites
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Final HomeWork
Collage for College
Tonight is finished something... Something that was at some point, meant to end
Tonights College was the last week, with all the fun and stress from the last 12 weeks I felt I should do something nice. So I made a little collage and got myself a book in the post.
The book was "Strobist Photo Trade Secrets: Expert Lighting Techniques Volume 1" and I'm hoping will be with me in the next few days.
And the collage ...
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Dog In B&W
The other day I was over at my mums place... It was a nice day and we were out in the back garden. Wiley was out and as I had my camera with me I got some shots.
My brother told me that no one had really got any good pics of the mental mut!
But with some tricks I have picked up and a little light room work this is what I ended up with.
Street Hump
Dont really have much to say about this post, I loved this pic I took kjust outside my mums place.
It was shoot in Black&White but as I shoot RAW I can do alot with it, After playing with the colours a bit I really started to like it.
Let me know what you think...
Starbucks Meets Jeff Hardy
I dont know if some of you might remeber about a blog I did a while ago about the new Starbucks logo, but the few that do remember I have something to show you...
Dont you just hate it!
But the trouble is that I keep seeing Jeff Hardy in it, and if your in any doubt..
Monday, 28 March 2011
Something to Finish
I have been looking about for a new book for photography, maybe as a pressy for finishing my course at college.
And I think I might have found it
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Cutting down the numbers
Most weeks I just upload the pics that I have finished with for college.
This week I took so many that I wanted to share.
The breff was "Up close and personal" meaning....
- macro
- personal to you
- something about yourself
- really just open to your own interpretation
So being left with almost anything I have come a little crazy with trying for many different things. Trouble is this is on of them weeks where I don't get a day off to work on the project.
the ideas run from working with a nude model with shadows to shooting friends and family in an aggressive pap kinda look (screaming and shoving there hands at the camera)
But so far I have only really done some close ups of personal items from the flat.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Apples and Pears
Well I got the bad news today, Apple did not want me are part of there team.
Frist I was sad, then deprest as I had put so much into getting a job there.
I write a poem about it as well when I was on the bus
"To have a dream, to work for it long and hard. To stress and worry, to fight for every step. To touch a dream with your hand and to hope it be real. To feel a dream within your finger tips . To then have it shattered like a pain of glass, falling from a great hight. To see it drop deeper and deeper into a blackhole. This is how I feel today! This is how my mind make seance of it all. To feel a dream and to see it fall."
But then Fluff and many others said there kind words and it reminded me that I had a life before apple and I still have one now, So what if they dont want me, I can always try again in 6 months or just find somewhere else to work. After all I want to be a pro photographer so anything I do is just to pay the bill, Right!
Fluffs idea to cheer me up... And its kinda working
Sunday, 20 March 2011
The Catminator
Last night I downloaded a new app for the Iphone4 called iMovie...
and this is what I ended up with this.
iMovie come on most macs and lets you play edit and make your own movies, On this iPhone it takes video and images and lets you make a timeline to make your own slideshows and short films.
Given you themes and easy to make clips, And even add your own music from your iphone!
I would really recormend this to anyone with an Iphone4 and Ipad2 (I think it runs as well on Itouch G4 but check just in case)
Saturday, 19 March 2011
What Dreams to Dream?
I have always loved many thing that I will never be able to get but cars have always been on the top of the list... and the 2 at the top..
1959 Shelby Mustang gt500
The Aston Martin DB9/Aston Martin DBS V12
Now as were watching a bond movie its coming up again.... Cant I just win the lotto, I would only need it once a year or so PLEASE!!!
Friday, 18 March 2011
When did Facebook Get Email?
As I was flicking through facebook today I was asked if i wished to set up my email on F.B
Now I herd a while back that FB wanted to move into something new along the lines of MSN and I'm guessing that this is a start on that. This should be fun as most people spend alot of there online time on FB! I think Hotmail and yahoo could feel the pinch sooner then you may realize with people being just as lazy online as they are in REAL life!
Blast from the Past!
Today I did alot of things but one of the things I did was to bring my brothers PS2 home.
I know some of you might thing way skinny would be bring last Gens console into his flat and I have one word for you
Fluff told me long ago that she had 2 games that she loved playing, One was wipeout and the other was Soul Calibur. And as a good boyfriend and a gamer I spent some time hunting down some of the titles, last year I got her Soul Calibur IV for the 360 (and Yes that is the one with Yoda in it).
Wipeout on the other had was a little harder, for 2 reasons....
- Wipeout was developed and published by Psygnosis and that's a Sony company.
- I'm not sure how she would keep up with the newer vasions of the game so the classic would be the best.
Also she LOVED the music of the 1st game so I started looking around for a 1996 release of the game and found it on eBay for 0.99p. Now with my brothers playstation, Fluff can play some classic 96 gaming with all the mods of the 21st century
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Nature With Added Magic
This weeks homework was a bit of a stretch for me, it was "Nature" and I feel like we have already done this earlier in the course, With "Green London" and "Landscapes" I feel like I got a lot of a natural look...
So I went to Dulwitch woods in south London with my brother and his boy, It was a magical day with the boys as we walked around an old place we played as kids.
Photos are now live on that site on this LINK.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
HDR Homework DONE!!
College Home work this week was HDR (high-dynamic-range imaging).
When you take a photo you can never get all of the eliments in one shot. There is no way of getting all the detail form the Darkest dark all the way to the lightest light. The idea behind HDR is to take more then three or more photos at different exposure and then join them together.
I put up a blog with the test pic early (VW Camper van) so you get the idea but I have now handed the homework in so check out the site or click this LINK
The Streets
On Saturday Last week A friend took me to see The Streets.
Some of my non English fans might not know who the streets are but I think I know the song that you would have herd them in...
Remember now? Good.
Well It was at Brixton Acc and was also(I did not know this before hand) was there last tour. Original pirate material was one of the 1st vinyl I got when my brother took up Djing and I have been a fan since, Living in Stockholm I always had it on my phone to remind me of London, The real side of London that I came from.
Anyway's after the show we headed up to the VIP area as the friend that got the tickets does some work with Mike Skinner. While back there we ended up meeting the man himself. A really nice and down to earth guy (I tryed not to nerd out) but had to ask him something, So I asked about a turn of his that always reminded me of Mass (Blinded By The Lights and The Mass Club in Brixton), Turns out it has nothing to do with it, but I still think it, hehe
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Missing Skinny?
Hey there guys...
Ok This is not going to be a full blog but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and well (or as well as I can be).
With everything that has happend of late I have not had time to update you guys and as at my work I cant update as well, I will have to do it on a day when i'm not as crazy busy.
Look forward to my meeting of Mike Skinner, meeting up for loads of my friends over a crazy weekend and the hope of a new opening in my life.... All to come soon so keep an eye open for a skinny boy in London
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Swedes screwed by Their Own System
Follow this story...
Your in an accident or ill and your on your way to the doctors, You get their and you find out that you have to see someone that has not yet finished their training. You ask can I see a fully trained doctor and they say nope, The people in charge don't wanna pay them the money that they should after going through the education.
Bit of a shitty story right....
Well this same thing is happening all over Sweden with their Dancers, ok ok I know that doctors are very different from dancers but as my girl is a dancer is pretty fucking important to me(and her)
Its come out that the head of one of the biggest dance schools in Stockholm is putting its student's into work that professional dancers should be getting and causing the standards to slip and the money payed tobe lowered.
Dancers go through alot in their training and if their money and jobs are not their are the end of their education then who is going to go through the hurt and pain, trails and trumps to become a great dancer.
This is not just happing in all the big talent shows where their unwilling to pay professional dancers like Swedish Idle and eurovision song contest are doing this all the time.
Sorry to the readers that are not Swedish and dancers but I just felt that this needed to be said somewhere that is not going to disappear once the news feed refreshes
Food For Thought & College

With another day of turning the flat up side down (It is a studio flat after all) I have finally finished my college photos for food.
This time I wanted to go for a really arty look and I think i might have got just what I was after.
With Chilli Cheese, Scottish Mussles, Bread as well as Apples bananas and Peaches like you might have never seen them before.
For the FULL set click on this LINK
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
I was just looking at a friends Facebook page (Louise May Photography)
It showed a cool concept with taking portrays of people while they took portrays of themselfs (Emo Style) I just find that it gets a moment in time that you only see from the angle of the 1st camera and not from the 3rd person... Come check it out on this LINK
I would love to put one of there pics up BUT I really don't want to brake the copyright ideal
I might try something with Fluff later to show you but there is a LINK to the site to see it for yourself!
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