Sample Photos

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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Spits (20111130) PLUS 7D

Today was Tuesday... And you know what happens on Tuesday SPITS!

Today was a nice night, It was nothing mind blowing but I had something new to play with and to make it even better,

A Friend lent me his Speed-Light the 580EXii (AMAZING FLASH!) and with it I can take some of the images that I really love shooting.

Here are some sample images but there are more on the site, check out this LINK.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

A Video I wish to share

This is a funny blog to post but tonight I have been thinking and feeling very much that there is something very wrong with the world. I have my eyes open and am awake to see what it happening around me. The promises made and then forgotten, The hope of my childhood was that every one was equal no matter of colour, sex or class.

There are things happening in the world that I think are so impotent and then I flick on the news and not a peep of info about it. With Russia trying to pass an anti-gay bill to America trying to copyright the web. The 1st step to suffering is fear, The 1st sign is to take the freedoms away!

I have seen the ways in witch things have changed, In my life time and with everything that has happened to me. Something needs to change before we end up going backwards instead of forwards. Riots, Protests and the stamp out of free speech and this is all within 3 months!

Thank you to the people that have talked to me, Opened my ears and my eyes to the world that THEY wish stay hidden to everyone! Wake up and see it for yourself before we cant stand up any more. Stop watching the x factor and being part of the dumber fife masses, take an interest in what's happening in the world, we live in a world with unlimited information. We have no reason to not be aware and no excuse not to know.

Thank You:
Ylva, Karl, Emma, Eric, Lewis and Ian and to the men that have guided me through my life to do the right thing and not just the easy one, John Bruce and Bill


For the people that dont know, Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is bill that might be put through in the US to censer the internet on the right of IP protection. To find out the full details check out this LINK.

Now I only just herd about this and as Jim said above,
This will turn the US into metal gear solid 2. If this law is passed then almost anyone with a site that deals in reviews or blogs that use freedom of speech are going to be raped up the ass by SOPA!

as Fluff said - "This makes the US into China!"

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Canon 7D!

Well I have had it for about 3 days and I am loving it.

Now I have not really been out with it yet but as I have been working I have been very busy and slowly getting used to the set up. As I am going from a different brand its going to take a little while to get my hands and head around it but with only 3 days I have got most of it down.

The Good!
This camera is FAST! I mean really fast, the focus is amzing and quick but sometimes it does like to focus on something other then what I want (my fault as I need to get used to the AF areas)

The ISO performace is amazing and i have been shooting at 6400 without to much noise at all but at 3200 its almost noise free!

8FPS = Shooting 8 frames per Second is just mind blowing, Its like Kia said on one of the DigetalRev vids "This is the essence of man"

The Bad!
This comes down to the lens more but with the battery grip and the 24-70 f2.8 this set up weight is over 3/4KG (Will check when I get my scales fixed)

The Lens does not have IS but having an 2.8 max app its kinda muted as a bad thing.

Now I will be having a shoot soon and I am looking forward to seeing just what I will get. There are still a few things I need to get before I can really let lose on my style of photography like a Canon Speedlight (SB580 exII) and a few other little bits.

Now I will post some sample images that I have got so far, There nothing great and they will get much better after a week or so with the camera. Check my site for details or I will post a link later

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Turing test?

Tonight I am watching a doc on Alan Turing.

For the people that don.t know who he is do me a faver - Look at your computer screen, your mobile phone, your TV and your lights above your head.

Now thanks Alan Turing for all of it!

This is the man that came up with the idea of the modern computer, all computers in fact.
The idea of zeros and ones comes from this man, Cracked the Enigma machine code as well as being one of the smartest people at Bletchley Park During world war 2

Any ways back to the point as I could go on about him for a long time as he is a GOD to anyone who is remotely into tech or computers... Now the Turing Test, Have a look at this image...

The idea of this test is to have an AI so good that it can fool a judge to thinking that the computer is a human. Now I love this idea and the fact he was coming out with this idea before modern computers were even invented. Now this is still being tried today and with the new iPhone coming out (with Siri) I think we are slowly getting to the point of solving the Turing Test.

Guys were living it the biggest jump in technolorg. Lets help it along and lets keep this going without the fears or worry's from movie's and ignorer people.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Chains for Change?

Today I watched a vid from playpoi and saw something that I really liked the look of...

Yes the heads are really nice and maybe I will get a set one day, But what I really liked the look of was the Chains.
Now I found them on HOP ( and at only £32 I dont think they are to bad... dubble swivels and single loop and thats great for me as I love my orbital (LINK)

Friday, 18 November 2011

Some good num nums

Tonight fluff made me some really nice soup and a side of cheese on toast on olive bread.

Thanks babe, it's really hit the spot!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Last night I order my new camera....

Bear with me while I run around my room like a little school girl!!

Ok I'm back... So yes, I placed my order with DigitalRev and and I cant belive that its been nearly a full year since I started putting away my pennys towards getting this camera.

I 1st got to play with it at the Happy Street music video I did last year (I am told that its in the final stages of post) And once I had it in my hands I knew this was a camera that I needed to get.

I am sure that most of my readers are sick of hearing about it but the Canon 7D is one amazing Dslr and I have pared it with one of the best work-horse lens you can buy (the 24-70 f2.8 L USM)

this video was shoot using the same set up I am about to get so Enjoy and I hope to be shooting some of you guys soon with this super sweet set up!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Jinxies 6th birthday

Today was my little kitty cats birthday and now she's all tired and sleepy after a long days partying

Love you my little fluffy kat

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

The people that know me know im a gamer, The ones that really know me well know that I LOVE Stealth games!

One of my all time fav games would be MGS on the PS1/PC. I played that game to death and killed off 2 copys of it on the PS1 and 1 on the PC as well. I still have it as a text tone on my phone!

Now I hear this was coming out and I was a little pissed as everything I saw said it was only on PS3. I own an XBOX as I like the lay out of it plus online is far better on the 360 then PSNetwork (no fan boys here and that's a fact!)

But thanks to the guys at AchievementHunter I just found out that The MGS HD collection is indeed out on xbox 360. Now this is a game I am going to buy, My oldest Brother LOVED this games and when ever I play them it reminds me of him!

For the guys that done know "The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection" is not a full collection, the collection is an HD re-release of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and also has the NES versions of the 1st 2 games in the MGS franchise(Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2) but this game lacks Metal Gear Solid and MSG4, Now number 4 I understand but dropping the best of the set and the game that really put Solid Snake on the map is shocking by its absence!

That's a pity as this would have made it the measuring stick of witch all remakes/Collection would be compared to!

RIP L.R.E miss you man, much love

Cyrille - Brainstorming

Something that has been floting around the spinners facebook walls of late, This guy has some amazing skill that i think would be lost on the "normal person"but for anyojne that works with spinning or the body in general, I think you will love this!

6 Days And counting

This weeks I am mostly going to be blogging about my new toy... Sorry other readers but right now I am kinda one track minded.

The last few days I have been looking up everything about the Canon 7D all over again, Tip tricks reviews, And I mean everything!

While I have been looking around I have kinda hit a brick wall, And that is Video!
Now this camera does everything I could need for Video, But I really have no idea how to shoot it.

How does shutter speed effect filming? What does the frame rates really do? How much of my photography skill going to carry over into shooting Videos?

I am sure that this will come with time and in a few years I will be as good at filming as I am with stills now but it does feel kinda daunting

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

It's nearly time!!

After nearly a full year of saving, going without so many things and putting every spare penny I have, all the shoots I've done and all the missed nights out and driving fluff up the wall.

Next week, give or take a few day I will be placing my order for the sexy canon 7D, an 18mp C-Mos camera with everything I could want in a camera (bar a full frame mode). Full HD Video, 8fps shooting rate, ISO 12,800, wireless flash trigger and so much more!! I'm pearing it with a 24-70 f2.8 L lens and boy is this set up going to be sick.

This is the top of the range canon in the c-mos range and one of the best cameras on the market. And worth every penny, if you thinks images where good before, then they are about to take a big step up with the control I can have with this bad boy I can do so much more then I ever could on my little old Sony

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750

Just found something that some of my readers will like the looks of....

Any of you guys using a wired keyboard but would love to have it free of something else to get in the way or have a BlueTooth/USE Wireless keyboard but hate going though so many batterys.

Then you might wanna have a look at this

Logitech K750 for Mac/PC Wireless Solar Keyboard

This is now on my raider as I really hate having a wired bored that gets in the way when im editing images using the table but at the same time I know as I work from a computer all the time I would just KILL battery.
Plus unlike alot of bored these days, IT HAS A NUMBER PAD!!

I already go through enough with Speedlights, Poi, Staff, Xbox controllers, guitars, mic's etc) So having something that you get the best of both worlds and (from what I have read) This works from not only normal sun light but from standed home lighting and lamps. One charge can last 3 months on a single charge (That sounds good to me)

Anyways the cheapest I have seen it is at Pixmania for £49.90 (LINK)