Tonight is a night for blogging it would seem...
I dont know why im writing so much but its helping my mind, processing what it is telling me. My mind is taking me to some interesting places and I'm not sure why...
I am feeling that this is a dark day but my smile is still here, songs that play bring me to happier times both before and after. Thinking about what is to come and what I have fought through already.
"Let me leave behind some reasons to be missed... "
My friends have been great, my lostlove has been there when I needed her the most but I need to move on now, The things that have changed need to be dealt with and I - Skins. Need to move with them
I have the memories and I have the skills learned to make it
Thank you everyone for the words and the time, The shoulders and the forgetful nights spent forgetting.
My mind gets stronger every day and my body will keep up as needed. One day I will read all these messages sent to me but for now, It is easier to forget than to deal. My heart is like any other stone, it can take a beating but in the end it will brake so this time I take to repare what is left.