The Fawcett Inn was the 1st pub I ever went to in Pompy, This was a raving pub, with a nice coastal feeling but with all the fun of a rave club. It had a dark room with black lights. great music, cool people and a beer garden that would make a hipping move in.

The fore mention beer garden was a thing of beauty! It had fairy's painted up the wall... plants that seem to come over head and cover the place giving it a magical look and feel with the fairy's looking out from gaps in the bushes...

And these few pics are all that id left of a once great and cool pub, The old owner died a while back and the new guys.... well they don't feel the same about the crown and its rich history with the raving seen in Portsmouth.
The Fawcett family is coming back together, we will be slowly returning to our community home.. Though it is likely it will not be like it was before, for what is in the past can not and should not be in the now.. the people that made up the goodness in a nice space, hope to fill it with love and laughter again.
In the words of Rob: "Love and Light and a Grooovy New Year" ;)