Sample Photos

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Monday, 28 February 2011

Burnt to Disk

The Christening photos are now finished, Just about to burn them to a disk and I'm so hoping that they go down very well.

I'll add some to the site after they have had a look

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Friend or Photography

Today was goin to either going to be having an old friend over to London OR doing some homework for college. Guess what one happened....

My friend had to be called into work (or had a really bad hangover) So with a nicly cleaned flat me and fluff had the day to ourself's. So I ended up shooting FOOD for my homework for college as well as doing some more of the shoots for the Christening. But between Fluff and I we have over 200pics that we need to get down to around 50 or so.

Here is two of the food still life pics for Wednesday...

Friends Sometimes Change.. And Its Good

I got a Call today from a friend and It got me thinking...

How much does being with someone change you?

Now I met fluff when I was just turning 21 and we have been together for just over 5years now, When I met her I was a freebird with the world at his feet... I was out having fun with my friends every weekend and living the life of a London Raver, I had a job that payed the bills but had nothing going for it. I was happy and almost content with my life.

In the last 5 years I have moved away from the rave scene (Still love it but I'm not out every weekend). I have moved to a different country (Sweden) and that really made my a humble person making me look at both at my upbringing, habits as well as the social norms of being an English man. Then coming back home to find most of my friends moved on to different things, Family doing a lot of their own things and the world I left behind for ever changed.

Most men will tell you that their girl/wife changes their man to suit themselves BUT I have to say its different for me. Fluff has pushed me to be a better man then I thought a thick shit like me could be but at the same time She has kept my grounded and kept me balanced and happy. I have started college and am now trying to live my dream of being a pro photographer, something I could have never have hoped for in the past.

I hope that I have done the same for her but I just felt that I needed to say this... the people closest to us will always push us into being better people but you will only change if you want to.

Don't fight the change and embrace it... If we all were perfect then we could all stay the same, never change or evolve. Sorry but that would be a very sad and boring day indeed.

Mummy's Birthday

With dads done you know mum's is on the way.... its really sweet as I know how close my folks are that I think its even sweeter that there birthdays are only 5days apart as well.

As today was a weekend mum wanted to put on a party for the family. with loads of food and some Wii play it was a really good time, shame I had to leave early as I could have stayed alot longer then I could.

Birthday Girl

With everything that been happening of late its really nice to spend loads of time together. With the Wii that we got mum for Christmas got some of its gears working tonight, With the to new toys (Wii Fit & Just Dance) got everyone's blood pumping.

Bouncing to "Cotton Eye Joe" and "Eye of the Tiger"

Rocky Brother
Dancing Queen
Action Connor

Paul, The Movie

After my dads party. Fluff and I went to Brixton's Ritzy to see Paul.

Its funny if you like cult films... Its funny if you like Brit comedy's and its funny if you just love to laugh. If you have seen Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead then you are already wanting to see this... If you don't then you really don't know what your missing. I would not say that its better then the other 2 BUT its def part of the same family

Daddy's 58th

My dear old daddy-O hit 58 this week, With such a large number in the bank you would think he was slowing down in life but his always going round in ever decreasing circles.

With 2 new books from us and a new sander from the family, It should keep him busy a little longer!

A Week Of Birthdays

February is a busy month for birthdays, but the reason why its really bad for us is that we have both the dads(Fluffs and mine) and my mums within 2weeks of each other.

That's a lot of wrapping paper

Fluffie Tunes

Random track from Top gear but Fluff know the tune... Well done Fluff

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Lightroom 3... ITS GOOD!!

With more work tonight on the shots from the Christianing , I'm finding it nice to work with the new lightroom that I go the other day... Lightroom 3 has a few new toys over it then the one I had before.

With an added Noise Reduction and Sharpening tools (the 2 reason's why I got it) I think its faster and has alot more in it then you would think, Def worth the £60 to update from LightRoom2. Its really helping with the shots from the Christianing the other week, I'm just putting the final touches to some more of the pics and have the total now down below 100 pics.

Favourite at the mo is this one below!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Funny Memory's

When I was a kid I loved anything about Egypt. My dad had books and I loved to find out anything and everything about one of the first Civilization's in the world.

I was just telling Fluff that as a kid I saw Tutankhamun's faceplate at the britishmuseum.

Its turns out that I did not, the Exhibition run between 30 March – 30 December 1972 and I was
born in 1984.

Dont you think that it is very funny that the mind can really play tricks on you, I could have sward that I saw it, I have memorys of going with my dad and with my school and seeing the Egyptian Exhibition back in the late 80/early 90s...

I still to this day wear my ankh, and not for the modern day Pagan/Goth
version of it but the Egyptian one meaning eternal life

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Not Such a Looker

Something happen the other day, I had to get a good pic of myself for Monday but spending so much time behind the camera, I forgot something....

I really am not a good looker, It took a few shoots and some PhotoShop editing to make me look even half human, Now you know what I spend my time on the this side of the camera.

See what I mean.

Weekend Stress

Today has been a really nice, but really long day. It started early going to DNBX's for dinner but be, and me having the flu did not help much but I had a really great time.

Trying to get all the last minutes things don't for Monday has been stressing me out so much its now making me ill, Its going to be a really big day for me as well as my Dads 58th Birthday.

I'll tell all you guys about it when the time comes but for now, Mums the word

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Paul By Anyother Name

While I was at my Folks the other day I had some fun with a new App for my Iphone... It lets you take pics and turn the people(in the pics) into alien's.

Its for the new movie "Paul" from the same guys as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz

Skinny Gets Man Flu

Dam I feel like shit right now

Last night my nose started running and I had a blast of a headache, This morning I was filled to the bring of snot and freezing cold. I really am not one to get the flu and act like a tart but this one is proper killing me. With all the running around last week and with the stress coming up for Monday.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Worst Game in the World!

Fox News has named Bulletstorm as the "Worst Game in the World"

This is hard to say without sounding like a kid but fuck they got this wrong!

ok the skinny.... Bulletstorm is just like any 18+ FPS out there but its hook is that the more fucked up the kill... the more points you get and some of these can be super funny, but thats not the biggest reason why i'm posting this storie

Dr Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist who got her doctorer from 10 tokens from corn flakes and who has never EVER picked up a game in her life from the sounds of things said and I quote

“The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of sexual scenes in video games,”

No she does not give an examples or any kind of prof to back up her claims... I cant see how she has come to this conclusion but how can you say that the increase in rape is LARGELY because to gaming

later a Melanie Killen, Ph.D goes on to say that "9-year-olds are playing games like Bulletstorm and that there is no real enforcement." What made her chose 9 as you could just say that about any age ... fuck there is a 2 year old playing Black ops! once again no prof!

“If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence, the damage could be significant,” Dr. Jerry Weichman

What world are these people living in? There is not prof that games do anything to the minds of people, and games that "play out of sexual scenes" are very shot in number... I can only think of about 5 games with sex seances in them and BulletStorm has non, its an FPS and not an RPG, and you just wait till Duke Nuckem comes out, there going to have a field day with that!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Could not say it better

Anyone that has talked with me in the last few months has herd my moans about what camera to grab... the Canon 5d with its Full Frame or the 7d with EVERYTHING else...

This might help

The Christening...

As some of my readers will know, i'm not the biggest fan of Christianity and the idea of forcing your baby into the eyes of the church is not on the top of my list of things to do when I end up having kids, That being said I can understand someone of the faith doing it just the same.

Today was the Christening of my brothers best friends little girl. Kierney was born about a month before Archie and I am sure is going to grow up to be a lovely young lady. My brother was made the God Farther and as I have learned, Will make sure that Kierney is brought up in the faith.

But while I don't like being in the church I will always be there to get memory's (in the shape of Photos) and this time I was asked to do just that. The church was not as dark as some I have been in but it was still not the best for photography. They did 4 kids in a row (kinda like a factory) and we were finished by 13.00

The party afterwards was a lot of fun and with kids running all around the place it was very nice to see some of the family of Nat's and some from Danny's side that I have not seen in a long time.

Twlio @ Pacha

Ok so where do I start... Friday would be the best place.

An old friend from the raving days was playing a set at Twlio @ Pacha. Main room set 3-4am and dam he rocked that place!

Photos on (LINK)

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

What a Week!!

With yet another crazy week behind me I find myself lagging on my blog... Its really not easy doing all these things and finding the time to write about them as well.

In the last few days, I have been out raving with Fluff and an old mate in Pasha LINK, Shotting a christerning for a friend of my bothers(Photos still in post). Trying to find time to shoot this weeks homework for college (Housing and Architecture)... And I'm told that I look tired!

And last but not least- tidy up this fucking flat.... There really is no rest for the wicked is there?

Friday, 11 February 2011

Gym and Family

Happy Son

Today was Thursday and that normally the day I kill myself down at the gym with my brother. But it is also a day that I get to see the family and find out what everyones been up to over the last week or so.

With the christening coming up on Sunday I also had to do my brothers hair (He never got around to doing mine) But I have been asked to do the photography for the christening, So now I'm having to look up just what I had to get... Any tips out there?

Happy Mummy

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Strange Disease - Prozzak

Song of the Day

Dream Streaming

A good friend of mine is putting on a Stream so you can all watch him from your living room to in his living room... And I just wanted to show you guys one of my oldest and closest friends... currently out so his playing playing tidy weekender 2 album


Great For Photographers

College was a lot of fun tonight and I learned alot about Adobe photoshop lightroom,

Light-Room is a program that is made for photographers and unlike photo-shop its just geared at photographers and not to everyone in the feiled of graphic design.

With its own library and editing sweet its great for working on photos and has a few more tricks up its sleves then Light-Room 2... So it looks like its going to be an other thing to add to the VIP WARNINGS list

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Week 4... Done...ISH

After a long week and really working hard on this homework I am left with 12 images that I dont really like.

There is not much wrong with them (Apart from the nose, the reflation on the filter and the wind making them not as sharp as there ment to be)
but there is nothing of me in there, nothing of the style I like and nothing that looks really cool.

I will be uploading the final 10 on the site soon but I really did not like this weeks assignment

Hospital & Home

I was out again today to get some last minute pics but mostly to meet my brother. He did his hand in a few months ago after losting a fight with a wall... Long story that I'm not going to go into,

He needed to get an X-Ray and was at Kings, So only around the corner I met him outside the hospital. After only a very short time we were back on the road and I did a round trip to the folks.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

oh oh oh has done a peace on up coming cameras and I found this.

The Canon 5D Mark III will be a biggie that every man, woman and their offspring will be waiting for (maybe including me). This is the full-frame camera that appeals to a lot of people, not just pros. So, what is Canon going to do with the Mark III?

Apart from fixing the shortcomings of the 5D Mark II, such as the basic AF system that has only 9-AF points and the fact that it's not very good, Canon will up the ante with a significant amount of megapixels more in this update (nearly 30MP), just because they can (they've squeezed 120MP onto an APS-H sensor, so they are more than capable!). Canon will also continue to listen to their users, so the buttons will be re-arranged and it will most likely feature an articulated

thanks MAL for the info

Again With The Dirt

Again... Wind Gray and Dirt on the fucking lens.... but I got a few ok ones

Monday, 7 February 2011

To Shoot Or Not To Shoot

I've just got up, its 16.03 and I'm thinking of going up into town to get some more shots for this weeks college homework.

Trouble is that i know the light is falling and I want to get something a little different from what I have so far. I'm sure that I can get a better shot if only I find that perfect place!

This is deep and meaningful for me at this early hour in the afternoon lol

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Sunday With The Family

Today was the London Motorcycle show... and having no money ment I could not go, so I joined up with the rest of the family for Sunday roast.
Seeing all the family and an uncle before the night was finished was really fun, and with my nephew was doing his best James Bond impressions, shaken but not stirred.

005½ - Licence To Kill

With the Bond Car...

Hey... Even Bond needs a snack!