Fox News has named Bulletstorm as the "Worst Game in the World"
This is hard to say without sounding like a kid but fuck they got this wrong!
ok the skinny.... Bulletstorm is just like any 18+ FPS out there but its hook is that the more fucked up the kill... the more points you get and some of these can be super funny, but thats not the biggest reason why i'm posting this storie
Dr Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist who got her doctorer from 10 tokens from corn flakes and who has never EVER picked up a game in her life from the sounds of things said and I quote
“The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of sexual scenes in video games,”
No she does not give an examples or any kind of prof to back up her claims... I cant see how she has come to this conclusion but how can you say that the increase in rape is LARGELY because to gaming
later a Melanie Killen, Ph.D goes on to say that "9-year-olds are playing games like Bulletstorm and that there is no real enforcement." What made her chose 9 as you could just say that about any age ... fuck there is a 2 year old playing Black ops! once again no prof!
“If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence, the damage could be significant,” Dr. Jerry Weichman
What world are these people living in? There is not prof that games do anything to the minds of people, and games that "play out of sexual scenes" are very shot in number... I can only think of about 5 games with sex seances in them and BulletStorm has non, its an FPS and not an RPG, and you just wait till Duke Nuckem comes out, there going to have a field day with that!
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