Sample Photos

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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Hen Photo Shoot!

After waking up with a bit of a hangover (read post before) I got my stuff together and checked my camera and gear before heading out the door for the Shoot.

The shoot was for a friends hen do, the one Fluff had been at all weekend and I had already had most of my stuff taken over there the night before. I had to get everything set up in a very short time and then surprise the hen. Turns out that I had alot more time than I needed as everyone was in make-up.

Some images will be up soon but I have to work on them and non are ready from now.

The shoot went well but it was hard work getting 13 girls to look good in each frame without someone blinking or pulling a silly face. But I only took around 330images and got some really good images in camera so there really is not that much work to really have to do and all the girls looked amazing.

Once the shoot was done we headed off to Nados for some food and then off to Camden palace for the event!

More on that event later!

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