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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The meaning of life

To work this out you have to find its opposite, Death!

Yes this is going to be one of them Deep and meaningful blogs.

Now I believe in balance in all things, night and day, cold and hot, yen and yuan or life and death. There is balance in everything and when it comes to feeling alive, you tend be be near death. There is a saying that I heard a long time ago that said "There is no point living if you cant feel alive" and I have tried to adopt this as my motto.

I might only be 27 but I have seen and lived through some amazing times, both bad and good. Someone very close to me died at a young age and even though I miss him every day his life tough me a very big life lesson. Everything comes to an end but its about enjoying it while you have it. Now this person was told he would not live long but got 4 times the amount of life that he was given, yet he did almost everything he wish.

Now this is just my belief and to a Christian this might sound mad but I believe that when you die, you energy or life force goes back into a big melting pot with all of your life's lessons energy and feelings to give energy to more life. This is both a Gian and Buddhist view, but when you find enlightenment then your soul itself will end, making true death - as in really dead, No heaven or fields full of my loved ones but a peace or nothingness.

Cold? Not really. If you think about it I will see my loved ones all around me, there energy in other items or people around me. In my heart and soul with thoughts and feelings that guide me in my day to day life.

To me the meaning of life is death as the meaning of death is life. I do not fear death as I dont fear life. Balance is the key to everything and everything is the key to balance.

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