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Thursday, 30 May 2013

What If?

I just spent the last 20mins in the shower...

With water running down my back and bad things going through my heads.

What if I disappoint her, what if I am not good, what if I let her down and make her hate me... The worst kind of cold feet! I dont like this feeling, It reminds me of our 1st date where I took a little something extra just in case I did not live up to my rave personality. On that night I did not need anything and the evening went would a hitch (and lead to some of the best years of my life)

One way or the other I will be seeing her face again in a matter of hours and I do long for it.

This is going to be an interesting day - head fuck or not!

Wish me luck

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Goodbye My Old Friend (byebye DCs)

Today I have tossed out something I have had for over 6 years

I got these bad boys just before I left Sweden and are my last pair of skater shoes. They still look ok if a little worn but I loved them for there toughness and the look but were amazing when it was raining (and living in England it rains alot) but when it last snowed in London I felt a bump and by the time i got home i found out why... There was a hole in the soul and the snow had packed itself in there...

So I cant wear them in in the rain and they dont look good enough for anything other than skating (something I dont really do any more)

So goodbye my old friend, I will miss you! 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Microsoft might have lost me... Will Sony pick me up?

I am not a very happy gamer... 

I joined a mass amount of gamers yesterday to watch the live reveal of the new Xbox

After all that waiting - IM PISSED!!!

Once again MovieBob has said it better than I ever could

You might have followed my feed on tweeter/Facebook while the show was on and you could tell i was not happy. I really feel like this is it for me, I think the Xbox 360 will be the last new console that I ever buy.

I feel cheap and dirty after seeing that show and my love for MS as a gaming platform just went out the window, with everything from EA and COD i felt it could not go any lower - I was wrong.

Now one of the MAIN companies in gaming is basicly making a fucking DVR that lets me do thing I never do or they let me do things I can already do.

I found the whole show to be lame and almost insulting - With nothing on gaming and just telling me its going to be a centre for my living room is just silly. 

All we got to see was 

1. Tt can change the channel over (Thank MS I have a remote)
2. Can watch live telly (no one watchs live telly MS)
3. You can use Bing! on Internet explorer (Do I even need to say it?)
4. Its going to be pretty - So was the last generations of consoles 
5. It looks like a VCR! from the 80s
and last but not least - D.R (FUCKING) M demarding an always online connection! 

Today we found out about under games will have a charge on them killing used games and borrowing games as well, So far I am so pissed off at MS that I am half temped to just toss my xbox 360 outa the window in protest! 

At this rate MS has now lost me to Sony and with PS4 - If sony fuck this up then this might be the last new console I will ever buy :( a sad day in my life

Alix Chopstix Grey Skater Shoot (20130522)

Today I did my 2nd shoot with the amazing Alix Grey, Last weeks shot went so well and we ended up with some amazing images. Emily was nice enough to help me out again and I do have to say this was the fastest shoot I have ever done - but if you put a model in a latex outfit in a cold skater park its always going to be a quick shoot.

After a quick stop at Starbucks we headed to the skate park, We set up fast and said hello to the skaters that where there, Alix sliped out of her street stuff and we got to see the latex dress we had herd so much about.

But your not here to read about it - You wanna see some of the images!

Full set on my site on this LINK!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Wedding of Luca and Elaine Pinter (20130518)

This Saturday I shot a wedding... Kinda

I got a message from a friend in need, His 2nd tog and backed out of a wedding shoot and he was in trouble as you really need 2 photographers at a wedding. The main tog follows the bride and drivers like a nutter to the church to get the pics of her coming.

The 2nd shooters job is to follow the groom or in this case, get the the church and snap all the guests arriving as well as the groom looking worried about his big day. Trouble for me was that it was very different from alot of weddings I have been to, the groom was not worried at all! he was happy, chatting with his friends and family. 

It was still changeling  for me as like in most churches  the light is really bad, a mix of different types of light (different light gives off different colours) and a lack of REAL light on the people inside! So were talking high ISO with fast glass, and that combo is tricky to get perfect.

I know alot of this will go right over your head but with fast glass your DOF is so small you can easily lose focus, and high ISO give you noise in your image so its a pain to edit later.

I must be doing better as It has only taken me a few days to edit unlike the last wedding I shot. Then again I was only shooting the service and not the full day.

My images will go up on my site when the full set of images are sorted from my friend  and have been given to the client! 

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Editing And ideas

The last to days I've been editing some of the images that I shot on Friday.

I have spent a lot of time on them and while I'm no where near finished I find myself wanting to use the images in other ways than how they were shot... Take this into account

Just something I was trying out but i got the idea from the shoot itself, to see my model in a forest somewhere, very LOTR kinda style!

Anyways, I wanted to post it some where and then I remembered... I have a blog haha

Saturday, 4 May 2013


As most of my readers would know I dont do mornings, but I was woke up before 9am by my nephew talking to the cat (who was hiding under the bed at the time) if she knew how to turn the xbox on...

I dont under stand why anyone whats to be up this early in the day - I did get any early- ish night as well but still... This is way to early and i wanna go back to bed. I was going to take the little man out for a spin in the park but as its been raining last night it might be a little wet out in the park. 

Guess we will see how the day goes and hope it is another warm day!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Wedding of Danny And Natalie Miller (20130413)

My brothers best friend asked me a few weeks ago to shoot his wedding, Idf you read my last few blogs you will know that I was stressing about the day so much I was getting ill from it, the planing and getting myself ready really took it out of me but like a true rock i kept fighting and made it through the other side.

The day itsself went ok, was a little lose on time but I shoot alot and worked out what it was that i wanted to do. I wanted to give them that images... You know the one! The image that sits on the fireplace the one that everyone see first and it is the golden pic from there day!

This is the image I felt did it for them... but you never know what people will like!

or maybe even this one...

The rest of the day went well apart from me missing the "First Kiss", I was distracted my a family member running around the church make trouble hehe.

Once we got to the pub everyone could relax and enjoy the party but in my eyes I was still working and I kept up the stander for myself even if i though I was doing a really bad job. All in all I was on my feet from 7am till gone 23.00 at night and when i got in I just fell into bed and crashed out. 

For the full sent of images you can see them on my site on the LINK!

But here is a little sample of the other images from the day


Still Alive!

Wow its been a while!

Sorry I have not posted in a while but Skinny has been a very busy boy... I have done my 1st real wedding shoot, I have had a pin up shoot and planing for about 3 or 4 others in the last few weeks.

So just to let you know I am still alive and kicking and I will be letting you know all about it ovber the next few post's