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Monday, 30 December 2013

Lack of an inermonolog

There is a few things I'm know for but one that only a few understand is my lack of an inermonolog, when I'm tired or stressed. I lose my way and just say things that come into my head... 

Tonight I did something silly and maybe a little hurtful but my mind was on other things. The tension was a little high anyways and things were coming to a close but after watching a movie that brough a lot of throughs and feeling up it reminded of something. And with my mind things don't go in strate lines.

And that something lead to a crazy place in my head, a time of Disney love... The movie was the notebook and the comment I will not say but within a sec of it entering my head the comment had already left my lips. 

This can only mean one thing to me... Disney love is 4ife and it can never be replaced. 

That's it I'm done. I'm stoping all this silliness. I'm stoping the drugs and the drinking. I'm stoping the sleeping about and the messing with people. I need some time to myself and my feelings...

I will miss some things but not as much as I miss some others. 

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