Sample Photos

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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

New FlowToys?

While I was out on sat I learned a new trick on the poi... well a mod to a trick I already knew but that's not the point. The Point is that I need to get some new flowlights.

As with alot of the older flow lights, they dont like being spun really REALLY fast (like in a hyper-loop). So I have been looking into getting some new ones.

While looking I found a 3 peace setup for a contact flow staff for only £45.73. This way I could use all 6 of my older flowlights (As well as my watermellons and/or the new ones that I get) in a staff that I could bring around with me as well as to Sweden for the summer.

Sorry I just love shiny things

Resurrection of The Bunny (Easter)

As with most of Europe we morning the passing and resurrection of Jesus... By eating coco bunnys and hunting for eggs! Gotta love the ironic twist of that big man!

Anyways, as we could not fly over to the mother land(Sweden) we hooked up with the English side of the family. With the sun shining and the winds not bad we had a BBQ!

Photos on the site ( or Click HERE)

Reclaim The Beach PLUS photos

Saturday night I went to an Event called "Reclaim the Beach"

A great night on the suers of the Themes and it was a blast! with nice tunes and spinning fun by my friends and skinny boy... It easily lasted till 3 in the morning

Want to see more? then Click the LINK!

Easter Weekend!

With a busy Easter weekend behind us I have been slow on the up take when it comes to blogs....

So your going to get an update in the next few posts...
  • Raving on the beach
  • Family Fun

Friday, 22 April 2011

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song!

Bruno Mars has made some really cool tracks and his latest from the album is THE LAZY SONG... Now I really liked this song as I have this on my iPhone but what I did not expect was this really cool, fun and refreshing music video

Enjoy - I know I did!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Why Would You Do That!


Me and Fluff just had the telly on in the backround. (Can turn it down but never turn it off).
Then a song that we both kinda liked came on with a different!

Cheryl Cole needs to get a F'ing life, One of the very few songs that I liked of this year and all of a sunden she just pops into it... She was not on the song or the video when it came out. Like many things she has done, She adds nothing to it (and takes away more then she gives).

Why would they just add her in on the side, shes not in the song and it just made me hate on both Will I am as well as Nicki Minaj for adding this talentless vegtable into there tune!

Are They Coming?

While I was up town grabing my new game (See Below) I found something - As my mum would say "Different"

It was in a little back street in Soho, coming up to Easter you would think, Ok massive bunny made out of dirt and moss... but then on the way home I saw this on the bus!

(Sorry about the glare from the window)

I dont know whats happening in London but if you guys see anything more like this... Let me know and I will try get some photos of it

Skinny Opens A Can!

I got a new game today

I know its been a while since I got a NEW game but after playing the demo on Xbox Live, I fell in love with it. Fast paste action with a cartoon twist makes this much better then the last 5 years worth of SmackDown Vs Raw games.

This game is fun, easy to play and has some depth once you get your head around it.

If you liked the old N64 WWF/WCW games then your going to love this one... More arcard then sim its worth the £29.99 it cost me (Give it a few month and you could grab it for around a score-£20)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Dulwich Park

Fluff woke me up this morning with a song in her heart as well as a song on the speakers lol

With the sun shining in we made a play to go up to Dulwich library, and have a little walk around its green grass

Here are a few pics from the walk in the sun!

Little Nandos?

Is it just me or is the chicken from Nandos getting smaller?
After a nice day at the park, I wanted to give Fluff something nice, but being in Camberwell there are not to many good shops there, and what better gift then some nice food.

Fluff is a BIG fan of the chicken shop but I see it as a posh KFC. Trouble is both our 1/4 chick was tiny. That tooth pick sticking out is a normal size toothpick so it gives you an idea now small that bird was.

Welcome To Marwencol

Tonight while flicking through the channels we ended up watching a show about a man named MARK E. HOGANCAMP.

This man was jumped and beaten half to death by a group of men after a night in a bar, He lost his memory, forgot how to read, write, walk EVERYTHING!

While re-learning everything that he lost, the Doctors just dropped him and left him to his own devices.

At this point Mark went into a world of his own, Putting his feelings and thoughts into a Model village, A mix of WW2 and Barbie dolls. Given each doll a personality and in some cases a real life identity from people he knew or met.

In a way his alternative world has become its own Therapy, Helping him through all his trauma. All the stories lines and photos are made by Mark, and he control's just what happens in the Village. When playing out events in Marwencol he is processing that happened to him within a safe environment.

It is a fascinating look into the mind of someone who's pushing and fighting on when he has been wronged not only by this world but by the U.S health system.

I ask you to please check out his site LINK. His photography has a feeling that really makes you believe in the world and he captures great moments.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Michael Jackson The "EXPENSIVE" Experience

I just saw this advert on the telly... Its for the new "Michael Jackson The Experience" game.
This game is coming out on all the consoles (Xbox, Wii and PS3)

As I watched, I saw the people singing into a microphones £20.00 (sold separately), then comes the dancing bit and they have to stop and pick up the Move controllers £33.00 & £22.90/ per player (sold separately), and to even use Move you need the Playstation Eye £24.97 (sold separately)

So to play this game you need to BUY the game, BUY the mic, BUY the eye and BUY the Controllers...

All I'm saying is thank fuck I got kinect and I dont need any of that shit, no matter how many people are playing!

No controllers, no mics and no buttons for the party people to learn

Gear or Skill?

As most of you know, I love my photography. But I have been in the debate about skill over gear for a while now... I have been reading a blog on low light shooting and look what I found.

"Now normally I tell people that equipment really isn’t that important, it’s the person behind the camera that makes the image. Now whilst that’s true, low light photography is one of the exceptions to that rule. Gear really does make a difference when there’s very little light and every shot is hand held."

Its funny to find something like this from a photographer that takes really good pics, as well as knowing just how to edit them as well.
That being said he is using a 5d MRK ii and a Canon 28-103 L Lens

Monday, 18 April 2011

A Lovely Bunch Of....

Today I got a Coconut!!

I made fluff a drink, then I hit it with a hammer and eat its inside... It was really good!

Food For Thought & Then More Food!

With the sun shining and both Fluff and I wanting food. We went for a little walk and ended up eating in Herne Hill (The Cafe Privencal)

With some food in our bellys and more food from the shop we went home.... And had cake!

PhotoShoped Rain

Last night I was watching one of the guys i follow on YouTube (PhotoGavin). Now he does a few different shows on there, from Photoshop tutorials to photo-shoots in 15mins....

Anyway's I was watching oone that let you make something that us English feel at home, A pic with rain in it, but without killing your camera (Unless you have a 5d that is).

I followed the video and tried it out, then made my own vision of the effect and I think that its really worked out great

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Does Britain have talent?

I cant believe that they are making more of this shit!

I'm sorry but is there enough mindless twats that watch this show for ITV make more...
What is this saying about our nation as a whole. I really do believe that shows like this, Pop-Idle as well as soaps like Eastenders & hollyokas adds to making England one of the worse places to live in the first world ...

England has the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Europe, The highest illiterate rates and most of all THE WORST FUCKING TELEVISION outside the U.S.... how could you not see that showing something in prime time is making this county slower and thicker every day.

What makes it worse is that its not just the "Entertainment", look at the news and the dramas! I don't remember the last time I saw a documentary on ITV

And people ask me why soaps are band in my house

Cons The Ladies man

The photos from last weeks shoot are now live on the site... I have alot more from the day out but I believe these are the best

Happy Bday!

With a crazy last few days, I'm going to be running behind but I will have everything up one day at a time... but with this blog I'm just going to let you know there are some new pics on the site from Friday.

Nicks 26th Birthday Meal and some drinks afterwards as well!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Next Gen Elliott

Last week while the sun was still shining I had an idea...

I was out shooting in hyde pack and I felt like shooting a model but someone really close to me.
My brother had asked me to get some photos of his little boy for a pos portfolio for some model work.

Fast-forward till today and with a change of location (Battersea Park) I have been shooting my nephews all morning... Its going to take a few days to come up with the finished photos but here are a few that I am really liking so far!

More pics will be up soon, Hope you like

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Wet Sun?

With the last few days being so warm and sunny... I had to push off things I had planed.
One of them things I put off was grabbing one last pressy for my Nephew's birthday, So today I made my way up to the City. As its his big day tomorrow I will not say what I got him but you guys know me well enough that I'll have some pics on the site tomorrow!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Greenwich Park!

With another sunny day outside I wanted to be out!

This morning I got a call from one of my friends asking if I would like to join him in the park.
As I have not seen him for about a year and some of my other school friends in longer, I got up and showered and headed out the door.

Was great seeing them all and having a little kick around. I just hope we can hook up again soon

Would you like to see some of the pics?

What will they bring out next!

Ready for the summer wank?

and this year is not a twilight movie

Sunday, 10 April 2011

FourSquare Near You!

Some people might know me as a fan of FourSquare...
But today I saw something that really made me laugh.

Thanks Brent!

Not So Sunny

Today being yet another sunny day I wanted to be out shooting... I call a friend (Who just happened to be at a park) and we arranged to meet up.

We then went for a drive to Clapham and after about 30secs on the sunny (But very windy Common) we went to a car-wash

The we left and went to Victory Park in Hackney... We saw some green grass before feeling the cold weather and knowing that the sun was going down.

New Top for my Camera bag?

I just made my 1st ever T-Shirt!!!

"I Shoot RAW" on the front and a Skins Elliott Photography logo on the back!

Its my 1st time ever and I'm hoping to get it in the next week or so but if its good then I might have to start up a side business... Fluff could do the drawings I can do the Photos and I am sure between us there can be some funny writings

Saturday, 9 April 2011

A Lot Can Happen In A Year

While I was writing one of the last blogs, I had to look at some of the older photos I took just after I got my camera.

These shots where taken in March last year and I must say that alot of them are... well there not very good. I remember taking some really great pics and in truth I had a few, but with something like 900 images I would only be able to use about 50/70.

These days if i take 100 photos then about 90 of them I could use... Its funny looking at the meta data (settings of the photo), seeing how I went from shooting Jpegs in Auto - Then P/A (Program/semi auto) to what I'm using now with Full manual RAW files.

The 2 photos you are seeing are both taken on mothers day above 2010 and below 2011

What a difference a year makes

Photos From Hyde

Well there are now Pics on the site from the walk and I am Hoping that you like them... leave comments or feed back...

Any if you wanna have one, just leave a comment and I will be happy to email it, please dont just steal it as by croping it you really do mess up the photos composition