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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Crawl Of The Dead VI

It being Halloween you know there is going to be some crazy things happening in London.

But as its falling on a weekday you will see some things this weekend or next, With my friends it was this weekend. And to one group of mates there is the "Crawl of the Dead"

This was the 6th Crawl of the dead in witch everyone gets Zombied up and does a pub crawl across Londons Bar's Pubs and night clubs. Its a shame that I had made other plans and could not stay the full night be it was alot of fun!

The full set of images are on my site on this LINK.

Friday, 28 October 2011

EA and on line passes

Tonight I got one of the biggest FPS of the year, battlefield 3! Fluff and I was up town anyways so we got a midnight copy from HMV, could not wait to get in and play it!

Trouble is that its published by EA and For the people that follow my blog know, I really hate EA!

Now I bought the game brand new, within minuites of it coming out and they treat you like a pirate! EA needs to stop doing this or this might be the last game I buy from them.

To play this game online I had to input a 25 digit code, join a fucking website, confirm that I am who I say I am and after 30 long mins after putting the game in my Xbox I still could not play its fucking muit player!

Now this game is great and I'm so happy that I have it, but they way I feel is that EA has just robed me of nearly an hour of play time just to jump through hoops and make sure that i did not buy the game used. I feel like shit and all i wanted to do was play a game I have just paid nearly £40 for.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

A new lion!

I had the joy of trying the new white lion bar the other day.

It was really nice but a little to sweet for my sweet tooth, but I'm sure that many of you guys would love to give it a try

Beyonce is so guilty of plagiarism!

While Fluff was looking around the web and came about a site about yet another dance that Beyonce stole.

This LINK will take you to the site and I ask you to please read the article as this is an on going fight that she (Beyonce) is so guilty of plagiarism!

He is quick to admit that this technique should not be considered off-limits ” Anyone can think of it, and the method does not have a copyright.” he states, adding ” I predicted some people would create their works with the technique and those rivals would give me very good inspiration.”
However, since there are clearly elements used directly in Cuccarini and Beyonce’s performances that are unaltered or show little original thought he adds sadly “to steal the (artist’s) work means to steal the creator’s life and identity. I have no tolerance for someone bringing out the work with no efforts as if it were original.”

This one shows yet another clone/Copy from Lorella Cuccarini

Anyways the vid is great and I would say give it a watch and hope you enjoy!

New shoes

Today I gave my new shows a ride... They were awesome!! Really worked well and kept my feet warm all evening

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mobile spits post

Just got this app and I'm giving it a try... So let's see just how good this app is

Sunday, 23 October 2011

AWOL - !st Archie Image

Hey guys!!!

Been a while I know but life has been very busy of late and sometimes its hard to get around to doing all the little things...

Any ways, One of the things that I have done of late has been a Photo shoot with an old family friend. It was for her little boy and It went really well.

This is the 1st image from the set and the blog is the 1st place that i'm showing it... There will be more to come but for now its just this and I hope you like!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

B/W Binx

I just had a little play with a Photo that I took a little while ago... Hope that you like!

To see all 4 images just click on this LINK!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Mouse Chicken Thing!

If anyone I know has seen anything like this before please let me know what it is... Fluff just found it on one of the blogs she reads and I must say I have never seen anything like it before!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Used Games Bed? Lets ask the Jimquisition!

I have been watching this 3 part set of vids from the Jimquisition.

He is an English man living in the US and does not feel no to ways of saying what he thing about any issue in the games world...

Now I have many games that are used, But the ones that I feel are great games or ones that I have been waiting for along time, I will buy them brand new... But I will not fork out nearly £60 for a load of shit that I might just play for a few months.

Great games are fine, Like Jim I have games that I got new in 1996 and still own to this day. I play my N64 for time to time as golden-eye is still an amazing game. Metal Gear Solid on the playstation(One) is still to this day one of my favs and lets not forget Pac-man and tresses that I have bough so many times on different platforms that I could open a museum.

I have to give it to Jim that not only is he having a good old English stylre bitch but his also giving advice to make it better, Something most bitching people never do!

If you wanna see more of his work see this LINK.

Steve Jobs RIP

Today we feel the loss of one of the greatest men in the would of tech.

Steve Jobs passed away today surrounded by his family after a long team illness that has seen him taken to the side from Apples main front man.

No matter how you feel about Apple, You have to give this man the respect he deserve. This is one of the men that have fought Microsoft and won, He has giving us a view computers dont have to be ugyl, That A phone can do alot more then just send texts.

You will be missed Steve Jobs

‎"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." Steve Jobs 2005

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Vamp SuperStars

Some of you might have seen this last week

Just in case you missed it, A man found a 140 year old photo that looked so much like Nicolas Cage that is must prove he is a vampire! LINK.

Now this image has come out as well!

Something we dont know about some of the superstars of our time? This photo from 1860 shows a man very close to looking like MR Saturday night fever himself John Travolta!

Something random I wanted to show you guys!