Sample Photos

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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Next Tattoo

This is one of me new ideas for my next tattoo... This is to go on the outside of my right arm, to go on the flip side to my pin up.

Still waiting on the fluff to make me a design for my pin up as i really do love her style and getting an image for her really would mean the world to me... To have something of hers to always have no matter what life might bring... 

I wanna get something added to her(the pin up that is) that I think would make me so happy and might even make her smile - 4ife

A new Arm and a New Friend

I got some more work done on my arm the other day, 2 more hours in the chair and my tattoo is coming closer to completion. I had the background sorted and the heart filled in so its all red and bloody... And I fucking love it! One more session and it should all be finished - roll on the 28th of Feb for that one

I also got a new from my my guys at the tattoo studio  I'm calling her Ella - Dont know but thats the name that came to me on the walk home

A&E... Again!

Guess who spent another day in A&E....

Thank god it was not me this time but I got a call from a friend in trouble and cos im such a nice guy I went along for the ride... Just kidding. This was one of my close friends that where there when i have my fun last week so there was no way I would not be there for her.

Long story short one of her anchor piercings went a little funny and we had to get it cut outa her face.
So we sent from 10.30 in the morning till just before 15.00 waiting and having jokes in Kings  

 After a cuppa tea and some food we headed back to the flat, Something tells me we will be back there again some time soon.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

The difference Talk Time Can Do

Last night I had a long chat with someone very close to me... She and I have not spoken in a while. 

We were as tight as 2 humans can be for a long time and not having her in my life has brought many mixed feelings, But at the same time I really have missed her more then I can say.

She asked me what I see in the future and I can not say but I want to find out, I want you in my life in one way or the other... The point being is after a long chat I feel we have something to build on now.

There could be a killer time to come and once again I am proud to be on this road with you again. 

what a crazy year!

Today I was looking at my feed on facebook and saw that a friend had posted her "best of 2012" pics... It got me thinking I should do the same.

SoI had a look over the year of 2012 and put together a gallery of 100 images... Now these are by no means my best images but more along the lines of the memorable ones.

Alot happened last year, I met many new people and said good by to some very dear friends, I took my Swedish girlfriend out of London for the 1st time and got to see someone who I have watched on telly for many years. 

A lot can happen in a year... And I have alot of images to remind me of what a year it was, The good and the bad.

I will post the images on my site and facebook tomorrow, for now I must sleep.

Good night world, see you in the morrow 

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Topless Female Trampolining World Championships

This came up in my news feed on facebook today... 
Topless Female Trampolining World Championships! that should get some men's interest and it is just what is says on the tin but it not all boobs and bouncing  There is a message behind it and that is that me can get breast cancer too 

I really like this idea as many people think that men cant get breast cancer, Silly i know but I do think this is a really good thing and in a way to get men's attention with a bit of a comedy twist.

you can find them on facebook at or just google it!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Happy Birthday Lewis!

Today is the 21st of January... This is a day that's both happy and sad for me, Today would have been my brothers 33rd birthday.

Some of you might know the tattoo on my neck. A lot of people have asked what the letters stand for... L.R.E... Well its stands for Lewis Ronald Elliott. It was my 1st tattoo and maybe in a funny way my favort one. It was for my brother that Fluff got me in Sweden.

My brother was an amazing guy - He was a pain in the arss. could be the vane of your life or the most level headed person you would have ever met.

See the funny thing is I was not ment to know him, Born with a hole in the heart the doctors only gave him 3 years to live, 5 if he was really lucky. Well one thing my brother did well was never listen to anyone!

He pasted his 5th birthday, became mine and my other brothers dad when he was 11 as we were put into care, finished school, went to college - Worked and also had a son of his own.

5 years pff he lived pass his 25th! By then he was getting weak and spent so much time in hospital that I saw im on almost a daily basics (As my flat was only 5mins walk)

He knew he was going to die along time before he did, He came to terms with it better then most of us around him - I think that is why he had such an amazing out look on life, Enjoy yourself he would tell me, Make sure you have lived your life before its time for you to go. He knew at the time I was out partying a lot but also knew that I would pass that point in my life. 

I look up some nights to see his star, and every time I smile, knowing that he still sees me and see's just what I have become. I hope I am still doing you proud of me

Love you bro, Happy birthday

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Honeycomb Grid

On my birthday last month I got a gift card from Queenie and M. I belive she wanted me to get some book from the inscription "So you don't go completely dumb." But as I am in need of tog gear more then books right now I got 2 little things that I have been eyeing up of late.

Opteka OSG14 1/4 and 1\8 " Universal Honeycomb Speed Grid for External Camera Flashes.

Ok it works like this, light goes in strat lines, when you fire a flash it goes all over the place (see the "no grid" image). What these Honeycomb Grids do is channel the light into a very narrow beam.

No Grid
1\4 Grid
1\8 Grid
 Today I got to use them in a real world shoot (See blog blow). With the way they control light you can do some really cool things with them, and really make something stand out or make sure that the gels really hit the back drop where you want them.

Im hoping to use this same system of some up coming shoots as they seemed to have worked so well on this one!

Mask Shoot (20130119)

Today I was ment to have a shoot with a few of my friends, Just as a little something to do on a saturday night. Then another friend let us know she needed to take some images for her college course involving mask's.

So today I got all set up and ready for the shoot but had a message from 2 of my mates who could not make it and had to cancel... 

Well with all the gear set up and friends already over, We cracked on with the Mask shoot.

Playing around with some gels and my new grids I got some really cool images and got to teach a friend some more tips and tricks of the tog world. At the end of that shoot I grab a fre images myself of the girls and they are now posted on my site (LINK)

Hope you guys like - Remember I am available for hire!!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Looking back, Looking forward

Why is it that when i get some time by myself, I keep thinking about to old times, thinking of old memories and one person. 

I wish that this was not the case, I wish I was so over it I could just think of the good times and the things that we did but no, life is not like that... I feel like I am just postponing this and have yet to get over it. 

I need to move on but there memories are so fresh and clear in my mind - Songs come into my head and visions pass through my brain. Time is a great healer - and i wish it would hurry the fuck up!

Is the US joining the 20th Centrey?

Just saw this online and wanted to share.

In short, The Us Govement want to bring in an age rating system to stop kids buying adult rated games.... Like the rest of the world has had for the better part of 10 years! 

There has been the PEGI system for a long time but for somereason in america you could still buy an 18 rated game if your under that age... This seems to be a little silly but I still think that whats the ponit in having a system if your not going to use it.

Will this stop the mass killings - NO
Will this stop the mass killers blaming video games - NO
Will this study at least finally prove that games are not contacted to these kind of acts of madness? - maybe

There has already been studies now dont that prove this fact. In any state... I guess this could bring one good thing. It will cut down some of the numbers of 12 year olds playing COD and screaming down the mic for no good reason

A New Toy

Last tuesday I got to meet up with a friend (A real one this time) and had a coffee and a catch up as we have not met in a few months...

Anyways I have a shoot this weekend and I asked this friend if I could borrow a lens from her for it. She was really nice and kind to lend me "The Baby" 

Yes Some of you know what lens im talking about already... My wet dream of glass, the dirty white goddess of canons line up The 70-200 2.8 L ii 

I feel in love with this lens last year and the feeling have not changed, Shes fast and so sharp you could shave with her. One day I will own her for real... one day she will be part of my camera bag. For now its just a loan but one day she will be mine xx

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

An Old Friend

Today I got an old friend back, Someone who I have not seen in a long time, I've missed them so much and I did not know just how much till today. Her looks, Her smell. I have so badly wanted her on my skin again its been unreal.

Sorry - Had to play it up a little, L'occitan is as much a part of me as my skin. The light peppered smell mixs in with my own smell that it makes something magic happen. I become sex and everyone wants to hug me me!

Fluff got me this with her very skilled nose and I am the only person I know that uses it so it really is my own smell. Every time someone has sniffed me they go all funny and wanna hold me tight and sometimes bite me on the neck (You know who you are). Today when I sprayed it on the girls did not like it but then after it was on my skin and they had another wiff... the trend continue 

Focus on Imaging 2013

Looks like im going to Birmingham...

Got a message from a Tog friend of mine today asking if I was going to Focus on Imaging, A photography even held in Birminghams NEC (Aother place in the UK I have never been) and I was like.... Sure lol

Now unlike the BVE event I went to last year, this one is mostly for Togs and as a "Pro" Tog I get to go in for free!! I have no idea what it will be like but having a friend to go with will make it alot more fun. And I will have to take soooo many pics

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Swedish Joy Ride

What is it with Sweden and remind me of things... Today I flicked on the news and this story came up.

A cleaner who commandeered a train in Stockholm is recovering in hospital after she lost control of the four carriage engine and crashed it into an apartment block.
I do love my former county and seeing it always makes me smile but this is hardly Largom, or very Swedish. 

I bet some of my Swedishreaders have already herd about this but some down south might not have seen it yet

Link below

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Heart burn and fucked up dreams

Once again I wake up to it... That is 3 days in a row to heart burn and weird dreams.

Today Is a friend of mines birthday and were going blowing, I went to it last year as well so this was the  frame work for last nights dream.

(in my dream)
I got there a little early so as I am waiting for the others to arrive I bump into some friends (Chaka & Chris), 2 of them from spits and were walking along but I'm on the phone to fluff, were talking about "us" then we meet at (once again) at my Forster mums house, shes is wearing the outfit from my last blog and were being very close, kissing and cuddling as I am telling her my feeling at the moment - telling her that I am missing  her and how we could fix the issues that we have... She does not seem to want to go there but is kissing me all the same.

I wake up inside my dream to find 2 other friends (Dan and Faith) sleeping on the other side of the room I shared with my brother at my 2nd mothers wondering why they are there... Fluff is gone and im back waiting for the part to begin... Too cars roll up with the bday girl (Michelle) and many others including ThePeace and others, for some reason Michelle is driving a black Taxi. ThePeace pulls me aside for a chat - This chat does not happen as my alarm goes off and I am back in the real world with Jinx on my lapy purring for some attention.

Are these dreams telling me something? Am I ment to work all this out or is it just my mind fucking with my head - I believe all dreams mean something, but there never easy to work out as they are all about symbolism   

Classic wins over Summers

Was just chatting with a friend about lingerie 
(Dont ask I dont know how these things come up) 

It got me thinking about the normal ideas of lingerie to the normal person. I was out shopping the other week with some friends and they wanted to pop to Anna Summers. I was like "No way guys, You cant shop there" to witch I was told to chill out. la Senza was also on the hit list that day and while they are much better then Summers, I could not find anything in there that I liked.

Now maybe I am used to something a little different but other places like Agent Provocateur and Victorias Secret come to my mind, Something thats really hot but classy, Something thats going to make me melt and not wonder about an STI!

No I understand that some girls can pull off some amazing things but to me something like the image above is smoking hot, While the one at the top of the page is something to make me run a mile. 

Maybe I have been spoiled for chose with my pin up lady in the past but its going to take me to turn me on then a pointed tail and horns... Classic 50s beats 90s any day(or night) of the week 

Friday, 11 January 2013

Happiness Goes Both Ways

Tonight I was backing up images from 2012 and I came apone a pic of Fluff...

And I smiled, It is funny that she can still make me happy after everything we have been through together, Of late it has been hard to think of her as there is alot on my plate... I do still love her but I cant be withher right now.

This image was shot in July (A few months before we split) just before I went off on a photo walk in Hyde park and she looks happy, smiling while on the phone to someone, I dont know who is on the phone but she is happy, something that I did not get to see as much as I wanted to.

I find myself now thinking of the diffrence of happiness then to now, Yes I was unhappy but for small moments in time I was more happy than I ever have been, Every day had its little bits of happiness.

It was not just when I was with my friends or out having fun but sitting at work or cooking food, Taking a short walk in the rain... I think i was happy in total if not all the time while now im happy more of the time but not inside. I am doing all the things that make me happy but when I was with you - I was happy doing nothing...

My tattoo says "Man Targer, Vad man haver" - "You take what you have", in other words "Make the best with what you have" Is this something I should have taken to acount? did the grass turn out to be greener or did it just seem that way?

This was meant to be our time to be away from each other and to give us time to think about were we are at,  I am guessing that we are no longer having "This Time" but I still see this as time to sort out my head and get myself together... 

But When I smile you come up, when you come up I smile - This is me still thinking of you Fluff - This is how I deal with this, This is how I feel when I can say my word. 
Jag saknar dig

Reach for the Lasers

As some of you know I got a new tattoo just after my birthday last month, Some of you dont know this but the spelling was infact wrong.

Now as it is in swedish most of my readers would not even know, But when I went to get it done there was already 2 other mistake in the spelling (2 outa 3 ant good for tattoos) Anyways I saw the other to and got it sorted out there and then but the 3rd i missed... I was really hung over after my party thanks to some of my guest's (FLIP & DB)

So I spent 3 hours in the chair getting inked and might I add VERY PAINFUL on a hangover, It turned out thatthere was a spelling error and that kinda sucks so when I emailed my artist about getting the work finished I told her about the miss spelling and between the toof us we sorted out a plan... So today that plan started and I got to find out what Laser removal feels like lol.

It was told to me that it was very painful and that its a right bitch, truth be told it was not that bad. Kinda feels like an elastic band being flicked on you, with a sharp pop of the skin and smell of burnt hair.

The skin around the removal will kinda be like a sun burn and I need to look after it in the same way, being that I only got a letter removed it was not that bad, about 20secs of work really and with any luck I will only need this one sitting, but I might need to go back for more... then again its getting tattooed over again so maybe it will be fine with only the one

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Ex Girlfriend Dream

Last night Ihad a really fucked up-dream...

It was set over many weeks with lots of different events happening...

1st there was the small memories, All the things that she had done since she split with me, going on a trip around Europe and seeing the postcards and things she had picked up.

Then comes the new boyfriend, An image of the too them on the side of a hill, Something we would have done if we would have ever got outa fucking London and seen the fracking world a little more....

Then I am in a shop with a friend and I over here a conversation. Its about there sons new GF and that they believe that shes is still in love with her ex, The names given are not that different from there real life names and my ears are picking up all the details. The family coming together - the cost of this and that and Iput it together that the wedding is on fot  them.

My heart is crushed but this information but at the same time I dont want to make up and just want revenge and to spit these to people up. I find a crow inside the Mothers room, I guild it out of the window. I find images on the phone and see that there are doing all the things that couples are doing.

The subconscious is a fucked up thing when you think about it, What on earth does all that mean, Hunting through an old shop with TheSex finding PSP games for only £100. Looking for a Cab with LittleIan and ChrisNut... A cab office that also sells mirrors. A tour around the catacombs of Paris.

This is starting to turn into a dream blog but its the best way I can put this down in text before I lose all of the details... maybe one day I can put the peaces all together and work out whats happening... For now I just seem like a crazy person lol

And The Award For Most Stupid Tit Goes To....

Last week I was at a friends place and we were just chilling out, My friend showed me a knife that he got sent over by his mum and me being me who loves blades had a little look, I went to run it over my arm to see how sharp it was, The old test to see if it cut the hairs off... 

But me being a little Stupid - messed this simple thing up and ended up cutting my arm open instead... 

Waiting for the Doctor

The blade cut through the skin and the fat layer under it, only just a tiny nick on the musal below that... Lets just say it was one of them "OH FUCK!!!" moments. With in seconds My friends jumped into action. One was on the phone, another knowing first aid put presser on it to stem the bleeding, And dam there was alot of blood. At one point it was spraying out blood... So I knew I had hit an artery!

"When Skinny does something he over does it" My dads words!

Still waiting for the Dr

After the ambulance came and did there little wrap up, It was off to A&E and a bit of a waiting time, It was a very clean cut wound and was semi easy to stitch up, 7 internal s and 6/7 externals and after fixing the artery 

Just finished the fix up

After getting stitched up I came back out to the waiting room to find my friends... 2 were asleep and one was still sitting there smiling, This was something new for our crew and  hope its the last A&E visit for a while to come!

My Friends Waiting for me!

Just wanna say thank you to TheSex ThePeace and ThePixie for looking after me so well and going alone with me on this amazingly crazy (And Stuiped) mission, Love you guys so much XX

Later That Night!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

What A Mess!

Last night I slept in half car half skip, My friend Chaka was driving the car that was someone elses that we knew, He left to go off to sleep some where else. I was making this car-skip as comfy as pos but it was not easy.

Then In the blink of an eye im running a bath at my Forster mothers house, I have 2 cats, Jinx and a new kitty. They have found a mouse but I had taken it from them to drown in the bath... Calling between my Fluff and my Forster Mum of the most humane way to kill this little tiny mouse.

All of a sudden the bath is full of tiny little things from my past, little nick-nacks like toys and books, CDs and  tapes... so im grabbing some of the things I wish to keep and toos the things I dont....

Then I wake up - back in the skip-car... its morning and I should be getting myself together... I go to the boot and get my jeans out, tie the belt as the jeans are way to big for me, get my top and look for the car keys... i get a touch and look in the back seat, then I look up and see that Chaka is back, the keys are in and were about to set off.


Saturday, 5 January 2013

How Amazing 2013 WAS!

Today I was looking on Fb and found this on a friends page...

Now this seems like a really fucking great idea!!!

Thanks to the Kitty for this one and much Love and Pusses

Friday, 4 January 2013

Song of the Day

I have not done one of these in ages so i through it was about time and what a tune to start it with

The Western Block


What the fuck is wrong with you people!! If i have to hear that guns are not the problem I will go mental.

Ok the skinny of it, They wanna arm teachers to protect if a crazy person goes on a shooting rampage at a school, and I quote "The best way to stop a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun". Really? REALLY? 

You think that having MORE guns is a good idea, you think that just having the schools with kids and teens full of guns and ammo is a good idea, What is it with white people and guns in America?

Yep, that about covers it! Thank you guys from South Park (hitting the nail as normal) Just follow everyone else in the world that has some idea of what GUN CONTROL is - as in having control over firearms!

Now I used to believe that this was such a small part of te US that believes that this is ok, but the fact is this has not changed, I have seen so many of these new shows in my short life time and im in the UK, So im guessing I am missing even more of these shootings...

In that short Video they say 2 times that the "ONLY WAY..." yet they dont even bring up not having firearms is "A WAY" or by stopping people getting hold of gun is "A WAY" or as Chris Rock said "MAKE THE BULLETS $1000" that way they really do something wrong and there would no longer be a bystander as I would cost so much to reload the fucking thing!

Sort your fucking country out mate or someone else is going to do it for you, like the UN or China cos there going to be kicking your ass soon enough and your just going to be the new USSR, once great now just the Western Block!

An End Of Year Reminder

This has been a busy time for photography... With Beach burns, New years eve and day parties as well as some other cool things so I wanted to let you guys know about all the cool things I have been up to of late...

Just in case you have misses it.

Some amazing timers and some really cool images so if you have missed some of them then please check them out and remember, This is an Amazing world, and I'm proud to be apart of it!

Age is Nothing But A number

Tonight I was chatting with a friend online and the subject of age came up.

Both me and this friend are in the same year at school so we are 1984/85 babies... Of late I have been getting alot of stick from my older friends about hanging around people younger then myself. They group I hang in is made up for 4 people, one is 31 the others are 16 and 17 and myself being 28(just turned). See I dont know why but some of my friends are so fixated on numbers and age they forget that there is a person behind the numbers and just cos they are young does not mean that they are stupid or even immature.

Now for the better part of the last 10 years of my life I have always been around people older than myself, even my girlfriend is nearly 3 years older then I. All 3 of my best friends are older, one by only a few months, the other about the same as my brother and the 3rd is a few more years on that.

I bring this up now as from this chat with my friend tonight I have come to terms with the fact that my friends giving me stick with the age gap are looking at it from there point of view... ie the view of a teenager from someone in there 30s. Now - A 30 year old looking at this sees it different to a 27 year old would. 30 is one of the BIG numbers that you judge your life by so anyone looking at this is someone half there age. 

Now I have never really seen age as nothing my a block of time that means next to nothing, I know people in the 40s that ack younger than a 15 year old and then I know 16 year olds that you would find it hard to tell apart from someone in the mid 20s.

Long and the short of it... being mature does not come for an amount of time you have spend on this earth, it comes from what you have done with the time you have had.  

Thanks for the chat tonight my kitty friend, its really open my mind to how this subject has been such a pain in my arss

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Goodbye Old Friend (part 2)

the last time i gave this a tryit was an unbeleveable fail! It was just after my birthday and lasted all of about 4 hours... This time around I have lasted the whole day without having a fag and with these little E-Lites to take the edge off I think it might work! 

An is a electronic cigarette, It has the smoke and feel like a normal fag but it does not have any tar or chems in it... You just sucking down vapor with a hit on nicorten or from there own web site

"An electric cigarette is an alternative to smoking. They are typically an electrical device which simulates the process of smoking tobacco by making an inhaled “smoke” - which is in fact a mist produced by a heating element vaporising a liquid. Most electric cigarettes are made to resemble actual tobacco cigarettes, such as those supplied by elites."

Now I have only seen 3 kinds so far, Normal, Light and Menthol but Iwill have to have a look for them soon as I know it would bbe worth the fun of tasting them... Then again I am ment to be quitting!

Welcome to 2013

This is my 1st blog of the new year... Welcome to 2013 and its going to be an interesting one!

Funny as I dont have much to say right now, the last few days have been alot of fun and I am smiling from a good cupple of day, Shooting Frantic was fun after a mental night at TheSexs for the NYE hat party.

The images will be live on facebook soon and on the site so you can see for yourself, I am going to start on the images from both the hat party and xmas itself... so give me some time and they will be up soon

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Bring in the New Year

Tonight I have had an amazing night, with friends I love and care for so much that the world would seem black without them.

My life would seem a little sad without these guys around, The Sex, The Peace and The Pixie just seem to make life that more colorful and bright. 

Thank you for letting me be part of your lives and I will always be grateful for the time's we have had - having and times yet to come!