Just saw this online and wanted to share.
In short, The Us Govement want to bring in an age rating system to stop kids buying adult rated games.... Like the rest of the world has had for the better part of 10 years!
There has been the PEGI system for a long time but for somereason in america you could still buy an 18 rated game if your under that age... This seems to be a little silly but I still think that whats the ponit in having a system if your not going to use it.
Will this stop the mass killings - NO
Will this stop the mass killers blaming video games - NO
Will this study at least finally prove that games are not contacted to these kind of acts of madness? - maybe
There has already been studies now dont that prove this fact. In any state... I guess this could bring one good thing. It will cut down some of the numbers of 12 year olds playing COD and screaming down the mic for no good reason
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