Tonight I was chatting with a friend online and the subject of age came up.
Both me and this friend are in the same year at school so we are 1984/85 babies... Of late I have been getting alot of stick from my older friends about hanging around people younger then myself. They group I hang in is made up for 4 people, one is 31 the others are 16 and 17 and myself being 28(just turned). See I dont know why but some of my friends are so fixated on numbers and age they forget that there is a person behind the numbers and just cos they are young does not mean that they are stupid or even immature.
Now for the better part of the last 10 years of my life I have always been around people older than myself, even my girlfriend is nearly 3 years older then I. All 3 of my best friends are older, one by only a few months, the other about the same as my brother and the 3rd is a few more years on that.
I bring this up now as from this chat with my friend tonight I have come to terms with the fact that my friends giving me stick with the age gap are looking at it from there point of view... ie the view of a teenager from someone in there 30s. Now - A 30 year old looking at this sees it different to a 27 year old would. 30 is one of the BIG numbers that you judge your life by so anyone looking at this is someone half there age.
Now I have never really seen age as nothing my a block of time that means next to nothing, I know people in the 40s that ack younger than a 15 year old and then I know 16 year olds that you would find it hard to tell apart from someone in the mid 20s.
Long and the short of it... being mature does not come for an amount of time you have spend on this earth, it comes from what you have done with the time you have had.
Thanks for the chat tonight my kitty friend, its really open my mind to how this subject has been such a pain in my arss
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