"At 16 I almost died a drug addict" Well were off to a great start.
Let me start over again.
Today is Sunday and you would think that all the bible basher would be in church. We got a flyer through the door, With an image of this- with words inside of a bull shit story about a FAKE drug addict and him being "saved"

Blar blar blar.... doing time in a "reformatory" getting mixed up in
"one night, After an overdose of heroin on a neighborhood rooftop, I nearly fell six floors to the street"
Then goes on to say they went to a church meeting by the family is said earlier had stolen they belongings, Found God
"Instantly a change began to take place within me. With faith in Christ, I knew my habit was licked"
"In a few days, the craving for the "STUFF" had completely disappeared"
Now I might piss some people off with this blog and I'm sorry if I say something that might tick you off but this type of propaganda.
Really fucking piss me off!!
1st off, Just because i live in Camberwell I must be a drug addict, which this image on the cover implies. Then theres the story in the flyer, a big load of crap. Graduating from Pot (as they called it) to heroin is only a link that a swede would make from living a sheltered life.
2nd problem. I don't believe in god, but if i was to believe in him/her. then He/She can find me, Gods not in some weird bloke with an ego problem and not in some building.
I belive in a mother earth, in Gaia. My belief has not killed anyone, forced it's way down anyones throats and most of all, gives peace and love not rules and pain!
I hate that anyone can come and tell you that your a sinner or that your life is bad and wrong. Why as a nation do we curse and ridicule Sikh and Muslims yet we put up with loud mouthed preachers at tube stations and Hi streets all over London.
Coming to my door with this crap that telling me how I should live THEIR life, encroaches on my human right to believe in my own way and feels like an intrusion.
Fluff did the nice thing in calling and complaining on the behalf of the image. If I was on the phone it would have been a very different chat, even she was appalled by the grafic flyer.
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