Kung Fu Panda is a little film about a panda who dreams of becoming a Master
in the art of kung fu. Being the son of a Duck who runs a noodle shop, his starting way down the ling for living his dream.

Not to kill the story, the game follows the movie loosely. The turtle master does not die and for some reason, theres a lot more bad guys in the game then in the film. I got this in a double pack with Lego Indiana Jones.
Playing them both right now, and for only £7.99 its a great bundle.
Lego Indiana Jones is going to take me a little while still but Kung Fu Panda i think I'm going to finish the next time I play it.
Possibly might 1000 this game but not on the 1st play through, If you do everything on the mission list you could get the 100% on each level would make it a lot easier.

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