Well Today was the day that i got to see the new Tattoo design. Black Line.
A banner with my family motto but with a small twist, she had added a hand holding the banner with a wing coming off the top of the rest. A color design with greens, browns and reds.
I do have a Photo but im not putting it up just yet as as i have respect for her art work and dont wanna show it off.
I had a little play with the pic with a little Photoshop work and the hand removed, also made it a black and white as i want a black and gray tat. I love the look it gives and when i get the work I will posted pics but not till then.
I'm going back on the 19th to see about getting it done but I'm hoping she likes my edits to it, or she might be pissed and think that I don't like her work
You guys will have to let me know what you think
ReplyDeletegood 4 u man, gettin that arm sorted. Im looking forward to seeing some pics of it. I dont think editing someone elses work is the smartest thing...if you would have done it to me, if i didnt know you...I think i would get a bit pissed... I think its better if you just talk to her about the changes u want, instead of spitting her design.
Hope it works out bro. GUNS OF BRIXTON- one luv, bruv!