I am just back from Play festival and with some of the images now up on the site I feel like I should say something... So here we go!
Play festival is a juggling festival in Wales that took part last week from Wednesday till Sunday and dam it was fun. Many jugglers came from all over England and a few from outside the UK, With work shops every day, shows in the evening and then fun and games for every other bit of the day.
This was my only festival of this year (I only do one as I don't have both the energy or the money) and I am happy that i chose this one, I did alot of photography and spending time with firend I only really get to see one day a week at spits. I did not do much in the way of spinning but I did come back with a buz to learn both hat and club juggling (and flow wand as well).

5 days of camping with loads of juggler, spinners and fire artists with an amazing setting and both wet and sunny weather... Even now I wish I was back at Play - Roll on next year!
So far there are 3 days worth of images on my site (Skinselliott.webs.com) New images should be up in the next few days!
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