My new Happy Time Song...
Skins Other Sites
Friday, 31 December 2010
2 of my favourite things... Together
Its no secart that im a fan of the Michael Moore films, Anyone that points out to the american public what there government is doing is al right in my eyes but it turns out someone else I like had some news for him.
Wikileaks is my favaurt sites on the web right now as I really do believe in free speck and the right to really fuck someone up if they have it coming... The US have been asking for it for a long time and its nice to see that EVERYONE see's how stupid they really think we are (See the Julian Assange arrest)
But back to my point... Wikileaks has reliset some cables about Michael Moore and it makes me laugh (LINK). When are they going to wake up and see that there not just non longer a super power but they need to stop trying to police the fucking world as I would sooner have my cat run the world than I would let them.
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Zophia Amey Band PhotoSet

Last month Fluff and I went on a photo gig for a band that we met at one of HappyStreets gigs.
With everything with Christmas and flying to Sweden for the holidays it has taken me a while to get them ready but tonight I added the final touches to them and there live on the site (LINK)
To find there MySpace click this LINK
Or have a little lessen to my favourite track of there's...
Jimi Hendrix: its cute, funny and reminds me of summer days, gone by.. Enjoy
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Can I ask you Something?
I have just spent the last 30mins wrighting an email about the Panorama show last week about Addicted to Games (LINK)
I've been a gamer for over 20years of my life and seeing as I'm only 26 thats proble the longest hobbe I have had apart from walking and making trouble, I'm just posting it on the blog to show it to some other people and ask one simple thing.
Do you think this show is one sided?
Please leave a comment as coming from a gamers side of thinking I just wanted to see what other people think... Even if you don't play any games at all or only a little when you were a kid or even any full time gamers... I would love to hear what you think of this show.
Photos from A Swedish Christmas
Ok... Now I'm back in london and I have a few photos to show you guys, but its going to take some time to sort and edit the best of the lot... (not as many as some holidays) but I found this one that looks like a giant went for a walk in the snow next to some tiny houses....
Hope you like
Monday, 27 December 2010
Bored games are Fun
Tonight we had some time together, Alice got a game called Spank the Monkey from "C"... It was a really fun thing to play, You build a tower of rubbish so you can reach the monkey at the top and you "Spank" him... With attack and defend cards to play so you can brake the other players towers it really is alot of fun.
I would say check it out as its loads of fun and playing it in English would make me feel alot better as I cant read that much Swedish.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
White Lund!
Welcome to Lund... And welcome to the cold winter snow.
Lund has had snow since the middle of November and its not stoped since, with temperches of as low as -11 its been making my nose very red, As I have said before it makes me laugh that London stops with as little as a leaf on the line when in Lund there still going when there cars looks like this...
In Need Of AshTrays
While at the air port I popped out for a fag and saw this
Sorry but every singel bollard was coverd in fag buts and you would think that they would put an ashtray out there before it got THIS bad!
Skins 1st time Pulka (Sledding)
Skinny has done many things in his life, but there is also alot that I have not done... Bulding a snow man is one, and Sledding is another. With all this snow here in Lund we should take the time to do both. Sledding is now done. And here is the Video to prove it.
Late Xmas Blog
This is a little late of a blog for Christmas but I'm using my phone for the photos as I dont have the tools (or leads to use my slr with me) So I'm sorry for the bad quietly for pics but its the best I can do for now.
This is the Gonta Xmas Tree (after Christmas day hence the lack of things under) but on the day there was loads of nice wraped things there... Between books and games, candle holders and very warm slippers!
Fluff got my 2 little wrap up things and I love them, So far I have only played one(Prototype) but Iäm kinda saving Terminator for when I get home to see it on the BIG screen lol
Sorry For Lack Of Photos
Sorry about the lack of my pics but not being at home with my computer and using a Lappy for the pics and a lack of a editing tool I have been a little rubbish, Looking forward to getting my MacBook so I can play with them on the go and edit no matter where in the world I am, But if you wish to add to this fund then I'll be happy to take some donations for it lol.
I might try using my phone a little more but so far all I have on there is this..
So Enjoy lol and when I get back I'll put loads up on the site.
Friday, 24 December 2010
1st day in Lund
Today was the frist day in Lund and we had to do some shopping for last minute gifts.
This town is tiny and very buretfully while covered in snow, Fluff and I went around the shops looking for loads of little things as well as some late birthday gifts for the family as we were not here back then.
The Xbox that I took with me for the family looks to be going down well so we get Christian a game to play while his here. As I got a new Xbox-s for my bday, I have given my old one for the family to use as a DVD player but also something the guys can play on as well...
We also had "Little Christmas" a small meeting of the family where we have some fun and get ready for the next day. (The Sweds have Xmas on the 24th and not the 25th as in London)
Start Of Swedish Christmas
Hey there guy, back in Sweden again and dam its cold!
The flight over was ok but we did have some delays on the train from Denmark.
Thankfully this end of the world is more used to snow and it workd fine most of the time but there is some trouble when its -10 degrees. By the time we got to Lund there was over 2feet of snow and it keeps topping up every few hours with fresh powder.
We did get some nice food when we got in from the Swedish brother and court up with the family. Everyone looks to be doing fine and everyone is looking forward to Christmas.
Monday, 20 December 2010
The Christmas Rush!
Wow, what a run around today has been. The plan was to go Brixton for my dads pressy for fluffs mum. Then Camden for something for Connor and fluffs aunt... And apart from one detour it all went as planed (for once).
It's a funny feeling being out as much as I have been of late, it's great to get outa the house a little more then just a food shop. Seeing London in snow and e en some times in sunlight.
As were going to Sweden for Christmas this year we have to be ready before the big day and Thats something that were not good at at the best of times, but with the snow and the cold weather I'm really proud of what we have done in very few days.
As we are in Sweden tis year I have to be ready for the freezing cold, sweden knows COLD weather and Thats why I laugh at anyone moaning in London about the snow and wind.
Anyways back to the point. As it's super cold over there I got myself a new muiti scarf that can be twisted into many shapes to be used as a hat to a scarf and also a full head dress... I also graves a full face ballerclaver from an army store so I will have a warm face but everyone in Lund is going to think I'm a bank robber.... Should be fun getting some looks of the locals
It's a funny feeling being out as much as I have been of late, it's great to get outa the house a little more then just a food shop. Seeing London in snow and e en some times in sunlight.
As were going to Sweden for Christmas this year we have to be ready before the big day and Thats something that were not good at at the best of times, but with the snow and the cold weather I'm really proud of what we have done in very few days.
As we are in Sweden tis year I have to be ready for the freezing cold, sweden knows COLD weather and Thats why I laugh at anyone moaning in London about the snow and wind.
Anyways back to the point. As it's super cold over there I got myself a new muiti scarf that can be twisted into many shapes to be used as a hat to a scarf and also a full head dress... I also graves a full face ballerclaver from an army store so I will have a warm face but everyone in Lund is going to think I'm a bank robber.... Should be fun getting some looks of the locals
The Family Christmas Dinner
Today was the last night I was going to see my family before Christmas.
To have the whole family over to the MSC for a Swedish style dinner.
Trouble is yesterday was such a busy day that we did not get to the Swedish store.
So It was an nice Chicken Salad and a lot of drinks... Turned out to be a great night.
Shame all the family could not make it but I shall see the rest on Tuesday (hopefully)
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Old Books
I was just flicking through one of the classic books I used to love as a child.
The Snowman was an amazing book and a great film, But I was thinking of what these kids have today. No I'm sure that there is more psychology and consumerism to brainwash the kids buying all the cheap toys (Cheaply built and not as in cheap cost). See everything from the new Star Wars toys to Ben10, all very pricey and non would survive a drop from a 2nd floor window.
I find it funny as we got "The Snowman" book free as we spent so much money on books in Foyles.. Is this to keep it alive.
I find this such a shame as these book are great and showed me so much as a kid. I really hope that the reading rush of the Harry Potter Generation looks back at some of these great classic books.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
London, Snow and Shopping
Today was going to be a busy day and waking up late did not help.
A very fast run around Londons west end shops to get last minute prezzys, and the snow did not help at all. London does tend to just stop when its this white outside.
We got a total of 6 gifts for Cristmas and now only 3 more to go... Wish us luck
Thursday Is Family day
Todays plan was to find mums Christmas pressy, but like in with most plans it did not go well.
Flip and I met in Streatham to look for it(Sorry cant say as she might read it) but I ended up finding Fluff a little something as well as myself.
I could not hold down for long what I had found for her and I gave it to her only a few hours later.
I got 2 games for the xbox (Bayonetta, The Bourne Conspiracy). Both are really fun games but Bayonetta takes the action game's to a new level!
Band Shoot!

This has been a crazy few days and with everything that has been happening I have not had much time for blogging.
I did a photo shoot for a band that we meet a few weeks ago on Wednesday, Zophie Amey and her band was playing at HappyStreets last gig, after taking a few pics she asked for my card and to cut a long story short ask me to shoot her next event.
We went up to The Cobden Club for its last night(before new owners take over)
No photos as of there set yet but keep an eye on the site as they will be up in the next few days.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Photos and Spits
While I was at Spits - A spinning friend told me he had a job interview coming up and as I had my camera, would I get him some promo shots... Why not!
With some little tips from a fellow photographer, I feel like I got some ok shots.
Hope you like!
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Finished The Fight!
Today I clocked Call Of Duty: Black Ops, I Know it has taken me a while but I was really taking my time as I was told it was super short.
I did like the twist at the end (Not that I did't see it coming a mile off). I will not say much as I'm sure you don't want me to give it away, But it was a good ride! I'm sure that most of my readers who play game will have this by now but play it again... You might like it a little more juxtaposition but if you stop every so often... You will get that yourself!
Anyways... I still have loads more time to put into it to get the 100% and multi player but I'm looking forward to going through it again on the hardest setting.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Lack of Pics from the Party
I have just been working on one of the many (Silly) photos from my birthday partry, most are really bad(not bad photos) but I know I would get killed if I uploaded some of them.
This one is HappyStreet and Fluff looking happy and having fun.
New Job.... Maybe
Guess where I went today?
Give up? Well im guessing that you was not going to guess but I went off for a job Seminar up town. I hope it went better then I felt but I will find out if I'm lucky in the next 2 days.
I'm sure you can work it out now.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Birthday thanks
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for a great birthday party last night, I have yet to get through the Photos but here is a one I really liked to get you ready lol
Friday, 10 December 2010
Its my Birthday!!!
I have no idea whats going to happen today but I'm having some friend around and a drink up at the pub later... Wish me luck guys.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Music Finds You
Trying to help Fluff find some music for her dancing and I found this little Jem, Enjoy
A nice Fred Breakfast

This morning I jumped up, wide awake and wanted to do somthing.
I knew that I needed to go vets to get Jinx some cat food, Shop for human food, and clean up the flat a little.
I came out of the house and it was bitterly cold but my girls have to eat so I solderer on. After about 40mins I was back home in the warm... Fluff was just waking up and I had got use some nice Breakfast!
Friends and Tech

I love it when a friend gets some new teck... You see them smile and full in love with every new thing that that phone or gadget does. I know that when I am in that place I look just the same.
I was writing something today and Fluff was helping me, She said in this letter that "The Iphone4 has never left my hand since I got it".... Then I looked what was in my hands
Yep, you got it!
2nd Night of Pussel
With the next night of fun set at Queenies, We went south on the bus on a really cold night. Tonight was more about the card making but Qunnie did an amazing job with the food for about 9 people (Very Yummy!).
Soon after dinner was done, and belly nice and full. We got down to the card making...
Some did many and others only one but all had sole and heart. I did 3 myself, all set around death and emo Christmas (I never really liked Xmas but I'll roll with most things)
Swedish Pussel 2010
I dont know If this is a Swedish thing or just something alot of my Swedish friends like to do, but every year we all get together and make Xmas cards and Swedish cakes.
This year we did 2 as everyone could not make a single night... But I was free both nights so it was cool. 1st night was at Happy-streets flat and it was all about the baking. With lussecats and some lovly Glögg, and chats about the different worlds we live it, Was like the old days of just hanging out again... and I loved it
Gotta love them Swedish Nibbles!
Not a Snow Kitty

I love my Binx... While everyone is wanting to get out and play in the snow... She just sleeps on in the Slanket.
Snowy London
First things first.... The Snow!
I love the way London just shuts down when it comes to snow, Back when I lived in Sweden I learnt what REAL snow is.
We once got court in a snow Strom after deciding to walk to the next bus stop and I have never seen anything like that before. Within seconds you could not see more the 10 feet in front of you... The floor was covered in thick white snow after less then 10mins and by the time we got to the next bus stop we could make snow angels.
I saw loads of people morning on Facebook and it just made me giggle... I am sure to most that it was something really hard and what ever but come on England... most of us did not even get 6inchs let along the 7foot they had in Lund last week.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Rubbish Skinny
Sorry guys for being so rubbish of late, I have been working my little socks off of late and not stopped for the last few days...
Dont worry tonight I will be updating the blog with some new pics so you will not have to wait much longer.
See you in a few
Thursday, 2 December 2010
The Mean Kitty!

Just been on Youtube looking at random Videos,
I ended up on this channel about The Mean Kitty, and the old channel SMPfilm...
This guy really loves his cat and I loved the funny shoots but his own channel was just taken over with kitty videos and his own stuff must have been put on the back burner. Have a little look see as its kinda cool and his own stuff is cool.... but once again its making me think of my 7D
Also makes me wanna make videos with my own little Jinxie, but being an older cat, she rarely ever get up to anything super crazy.... Still with a guest cat coming around next week for a few days, It might be funny to see what happens.
Happy With A Crazy Cat
Ever feel like your cat is a little funny... I see Jinx doing loads crazy stuff but this one makes me laugh
40 or 50?
Been looking around the net, Trying to sort out the new camera.
It looks like I'm going to end up getting a 40d but I would love a 50d if 'I can push the boat out that far, both are great camera to tied me over till I can get myself the 7d.
Both cameras are great, but there is almost £200 in between them on ebay
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
I am Now Famous... Well Kinda
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