I know that this sounds really lame but I have only just started to use Ebay.
I 1st joined it in2003/4 but rarely used it as I kinda got Burt on the 1st thing I bid for, It was a Sim card for a mobile phone for 0.99p. I did not have my pal-pay set up as I did not know what the fuck pay-pal was. After trying to set it up(its a bit of a pain in the ass) the seller of this item left me bad feedback!
I ended up starting up a new account a few years later with a different name and never used it till after I got my D-slr, it was only for an off camera lead but the easy of getting something from half a world away was really cool as I could not find a Sony lead anywhere!.
xbox 360 chat pad
Now im into bidding for items and have since got a xbox 360 chat pad for half the price that its in the shops. Also have A set of studio lights and a battery grip on the way as well as a few other things.
Theses something about waiting for the last few seconds of the bid to die before sneaking in there with the highest bid and hoping that it is the highest, as you don't have enough time to replace you bid at 7seconds. Watching an item for a few days and it not really rising, getting your hopes up and then checking about an hour before the end, and some little fluff ball has pushed the price up to silly money.
Now my pockit money has gone for this month and I have to be a good boy till next month.