Last night (Tuesday Night)I had a little look on face-book to see if an old friend of mine had messaged me.
FiaTheGreat is one of the old Spotters for DSI and I'm happy to say one of my oldest mates in the rave scene.
As shes living out in the far east right now, she poped over to Europe to see some friends and family and we were going to have a chilled day in the park and have a little get together. Trouble was that she had planed it for 12.00 at London Zoo.
Being that It was 3am when i read this I had to run off to bed, Cutting through Camden town I was running a little late but got to the park around 13.00.
After all it was just the 2 of us but It was nice to chat and chach up as it has been a long time since we had seen each other, I did a little fire poi and she played the Guitar.
Apart from the lack of Sun it was a really nice day
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