Sample Photos

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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Camdon Shop Run

Today was Hoop day, Well it was for Shy any ways... We met up in Camdon and the sun was beatting down on us. In piping hot heat we walked down to Oddknobs.

Shy wanted to get herself a hoop as its something she had done in the past and has one back home. She should be on the POI! (heavy German accent) But with my killing time out of the house shy had asked if i wanted to come along.

It was nice seeing her outside of spits and just having a little chin wag, we walked along the river and then back to the tube. Trouble is that there's to much month left at the end of the money and Camdon is not the place to be when skint.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Something pretty

How to kill time on Facebook, the right way

A day with the family

Today was yet another day with me spending as little time in the flat as poss. So I felt like seeing some of the family. As I have not spent any time with my Brother and his Family of late it was really nice to see them.

Flip done my hair and I got to play with little C on the Xbox. then having a good little chin wag with Shelly-Wellie before getting her hooked on a game that Fluff is still loving. DinnerDash.

Then showing some of the Indie games like "I Made a Game with Zombies in It!" and "Castle Crashers" to get him into getting some MSP to get some small fun games for his Xbox

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Midsummer 2010

Today was Swedish midsummer so as a good swede I headed to the park where a few of my Swedish friends in Hyde park.

There was also a rock concerts on so the park with packed... with both rock heads and god knows how many Nordic people getting drunk and singing. a good little day really

My Little kitty is not well

As I was out last night I got a call from my Fluff, "Jinx has not ben eatting, and I have not seen her drink a thing all evening" is what I hear from the other end of the phone... We just changed her food and I through maybe its just that.

I continued to have fun out on the south-bank, not getting back home till gone 4am(what a night!). I came home to a tired and un-happy kitty. She was hiding in "her" sock draw and not eatting or drinking anything at all!

When we got up this morning she still had hardly touched anything. We called up the Vets and got her a 4 o'clock. The Vet had a look and checked her weight then shoved a thermometer up her bum and then checked her heart and throat.

The vet had a look at her and then told me she cold do a blood test or just a course of antibiotic. Believing she has the Cat Flu but with the throwing up might mean something else it would be best to do a full blood test. Proving she is an Elliott(taking after her Grandmother) It took 3 tries to get blood from her Juggler.

We will find out what the tests are on Mon/Tue and I got some of her old food just in case...

Tonight (as of about 20mins ago) Jinx had her 1st bit of water that we have seen in 3days now and Is laying on her mat/pad under the telly... feeling a little better maybe? lets hope.

Friday, 25 June 2010

I still smell burnt hair

After 2 days of back to back beach burning fun, I am going to do a short blog but upload some pics from both nights and give a little detail about each... how many can i put on one post? lol

Shy with her virgin burn!!

Fire Fire Fire... Charlie doing some fire tracing

Charlie with the dragon Breath

Greenies Monkey Fist Staff

London SkyLine

Oh and thats 4 messages per post!
LINK to my site for Photos

Thursday, 24 June 2010

23rd June 2010 (As You Like It)

As you Like It is a play by William Shakespeare.

Its story has been done by the likes of Blackadder as well as many others, The story of a cross dressing girl whos love does not recognize her in a set of pants(cos love is blind?). and the thill of the chase as many lovers fall and hearts are broken to get meaned again with the love that was there all along. for full details check this LINK.

As one of Shakespeare romantic comedy it does have a few laughs and this is where one of the most famous and oft-quoted speeches, "All the world's a stage,". funny cos I use this alot and never knew where it came from. Now we all know lol

23rd June 2010 (Come bk 2moro)

Ok This one I'm leaving till tomorrow, Today was a long ass day stating with a Play at the Old Vic to burning our wat through the evening and making some spare money on the side so to give it justice.... I'm doing it tomorrow when I have half my brain power back.

Good Night & Sweet dreams

22ns June 2010 (Spits this week)

DevKev Finding theres more to life.

Today being Tuesday mean I'm off to east London for the Spinning @ group.

What was different this week(there is always something different) is that one of the crew had brouth along a slackline(Thanks Kyrill). It being a hot day just last the day before, non of the spits crew wanted to stay inside as all of us love the out doors and would chose to be outside over indoors any day.

Kyrill's slackline With Kyrill on it.

It is amazing that a bit of nylon webbing can do to a bunch of circus freaks like us lot. Skinnys not been feeling the spinning as much as normal of late, not that I dont want to but my body is just not doing what my brains telling it, So I ended up shooting loads of pics.

Kyrill with anti-spin orbitals

21st June 2010

Ok im only dating these next few blogs as I have been a little rubbish about writing these last few days... Sorry about that one.

ok Well on the 21st (being Monday) I did very little but the high light of the day was spending some time with my beloved Fluff at our local park. She was working on some of her classes for the summer and I being the little spinner that I am, had some toys with me.

With the sun beating down on us I had little energy and body power to spin both my poi and staff, so I just sat down and got out my contact ball instead. Forcing myself to learn the butterfly with my left hand, After a short while I kinda got it down and was liking the progress I had made.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Song of the Day

I cant get enough of these guys

pon & zi Comics

I had a .Gif file a while back on MSN that my mate EmsE sent me and I just had a litle look for them. For some reason they kinda hold to me my emo side, Happy yet sad. Just the way I feel about everything.

I posted a Video from The All American Rejects called "My Paper Heart" (song of the day on Sat) that had these dudes in it as well, after a little look around I found out there called "Pon & Zi" and I just love these little guys... I am going to be looking for some of there boks next time im in the sci-fi book shop

Farther's day 2010

Today was dear old daddy's day, And in normal Skinny fashion I over Slept.
I had to run up to London to get him a Card and something more as a pressy.

I had already got him a cool book about a biker Gang and a DVD Boxset (fawlty towers), as well as a cool looking shirt but there was something extra i wanted.

Then I saw it....
It might sound silly but I got one of these DarkDudes a while back, I belive it was a pressy from Fluff but I cant remember.

Anyways, my newth saw it and feel in love, so I got him one. Then my Brother wanted one and my mum and then Fluff got me another one. Dad now being the only one in the family that did not have one. He reminds me of an old style biker and with the scare on the chest once again reminded me of my Daddy-O.... Cant you just see the Similarities?

Ended up flying back down south London to see him. He seamed really happy with the bits and I hope he does put his dark-Dude on his bike keys, it just seems so fitting.

Saturday, 19 June 2010


This is something that most people really think only happends in the movies, but I'm warning you all.... These crazy psychos do live in the states and KEEP AWAY at all cost! Use an Uzi or a old granny to distract her while you make your get away!

A mini Adventure

Another day in skinnys life that was a fast pasted one, I woke up with a smile and the day gopt better from then. It was a lovely day with the sun shining in through the window(till i opened them and saw it was cloudy and overcast).

Running up to town to have a look at a new bag i'm thinking of getting (Lowepro Fastpack 250/Slingshot 202) and get a new lens cap for my 18-70mm Glass, then off to a meal with some of the Swedish Crew.

3rd and Final set from SL 2010

This is going to be the last set of Photos going live from last Weekends Southern Lights festival.

Not to say that its the last of all the photos but its going to be the last full set (outa 1293 pic's I've only uploaded about 100). I have since put some on FB but as you know I dont like uploading to there service, as they like to keep your rights as there own.

Anyways Enjoy the Photos and click HERE for the full set

Song of the Day

Friday, 18 June 2010

Web page is down again!

I dont know what it is with and Sky but its really starting to piss me off. As some of you might know I just added a few sets of pics from southern lights and now I cant see it. More to come but without a site to put them on is kinda a pain.

Im sorry for the guys that wanna get on there and havea look but its just being rubbish! if you are not on Sky or can get on there then please enjoy for my sake

FireShow Photos now live

Just Finished putting some touches to the Photos from the Fire show last Sat at Southern Lights. Now live on my sire, so to see all the pic click HERE.

Not looking as good as I hoped, to see some good looking ones check out Michael's blog on this LINK.


Today I Should have been a nice chilled day.... why does shit never go my way?

I had planed to do a little shoot with some nice flowers fluff got the other day, then to have some hardcore fun on the xbox. My brother was going to meet me online and I was going to get some new achievements...

Well then as I was doing something on the computer I ended up getting a fucking virus after downloading a Flash add-on. My net was fucked, every program on my computer was not working and I could not by something on-line as I did not know if my details where going to be nicked.

So off to London to get a CD based copy of Kaspersky 2010. so the rush was on to format the computer and get the software on before everything kicked off.

So after a long, hard day I am writing this ready and waiting for bed..... Bring it on Mr.Dreamer

Thursday, 17 June 2010

1st Set Of SL Pics

Photos from Southern lights are now live no my site, come Check them out.

These shots are taken on the 1st night(Sat) just after the early show. Greenie Boing and Kyrill jioned us with the skills. M.L and I worked on the photos, M.L showed me some cool tricks with the flash that really made some of the shots pop.

Click HERE for the full set of pics or join to get more updates

Working on Shots

Nearly every time I go out I have my camera on me, You never know what you might see or what might happen. On occasions I have it for events... say raves or shoots or in this case Festival.

Trouble with that is you end up with alot of pics, pics that need space on hard drives and pics that need sorting. right now I'am working my way through just over 1200 photos I took over the weekend. 1200 photos for someone with Digital O.C.D's. (props to fluff for that one btw) that's a lot of work for me.

As for the photos of the festival - Some are great but non are perfect, You need to work on each and everyone to get that pro look (I don't have the skill both on camera and in Photo-shop) but I know what im looking to get and i work hard on getting what I want.

In the last year, photograph has slowly taken over my life, the time I would play games or work on my poi has taken a back seat to everything SLR... Its going to make me a poor man but I'm loving it while I have it.

Wish me luck the rest of the photos as im only on the 1st full day! shit !

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Out with a Boing!

Today was going to be a simple day, Get up get dressed, go to Camden and meet with a friend. Well it was not really that different then planed apart from being a few hours later then planed, I had a little look around the shops and had some lunch. Sitting down on the back of the Lock. The sun was high and the wind was up so I did not fry as much as you might think.

I only got some gloves (mostly for fire poi/hand wraps) and Boing got a few bits as well. Then we went to a little park for a spin. It was fun and 2 different groups of boys watched us as if we were aliens or something. one asked if we were "Circus freaks" circus artists or something but FREAKS! what the fuck! but then I'm sure his going to grow up and be MacDonald's employee.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Southern Lights Festival 2010

I am running out of words to say about this weekend, in short...... IT ROCKED!!

Southern Lights is "Now in our fourth year, Southern Lights Festival is an established event with circus workshops, street entertainment, music and DJ's, a show on saturday night and an open stage, all set in beautiful English countryside with stunning views of the 'Jurassic Coast'."

With all kind's of cool cat hippie and Raving head cases, this group of Circus people with there hoops and staffs, poi and clubs, Slack lines and god knows what else. With live shows, bands and chill out zones (Thanks to the spinning @ crew).

Most of the friend that I have made at spits I got to spend some more time with and really enjoy spending much more time with. but for the people that could not make it, We had Joe and in that way - You was all there.

Gee's Fire show at Southern Lights 2010

The New Xbox 360 250GB

Some might end up calling it the X-box Slim but it is a very sexy console.

coming with a 250GB hard drive, built-in Wi-Fi and wispier quiet(the old one is a bit noise)

The New Xbox 360 250GB - Xbox 360 -

Monday, 14 June 2010

Buzzing from the Weekend!!

Wow what a weekend for the skinny boy....

Southern lights was a fucking blast and I had alot of fun, Learning for some of the poi greats like Gee and Jason. The Spinning @ crew was loving and great as i have come to expect (Kev the place was great!).

there is going to be a lot of pic's on the site and more blogs about the weekend BUT my mum has come to stay with us tonight so I don't wanna be rude.

Watch this space!!

Friday, 11 June 2010

This will be my last blog..... till after the weekend anyways (Southern Lights Circus Arts Festival 2010)

If anyone wnats to find me from this weekend then this is were to find me, I dont think that I will have network on my phone but you never know these days.

Southern Lights Circus Arts Festival 2010

Time to sleep or time to pack

All night i have been trying to get a lift for a friend of mine to get down to Southern lights.
So far no lucj but im hoping that we can sort something out... I'm just thinking if i should get some sleep or not.... I will have to leave here around 8.30 and I will not be getting to bed till around 6.00am.

Is it worth sleeping for less then an hour, as after I get up shower, shave and get my last bits together its time to leave. Meeting my left at 10.00 outside the O2 and thats going to take time getting to at this time in the morning.

I am sure its going to all be worth it in the long run. Bring on the spinning fire fun!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Rave On The Weekend

this is my all time Favourite songs, This tune is plaster all over my life, the good and the bad and the dam right wrong... This is the song that's getting me through the night and getting ready for Southend lights Weekend

Song of the Day

Bikes and Memory's

Honda is a name that I grow up with, my dad having had about 5 bikes made by them with the 44, The VF and the VFR to only say a few... To us (My brothers and I) the sound of that engine ment daddy was coming home, and as great as it was to see him, every so often he would have something with him, being a new Toy from L.J for us or Pie&mash for dinner it was always fun.

Love you Daddy-O and its not even Fathers day!

Song of the Day

Im watching a new DVD that I got tonight about my Hero Shawn Michaels (Shawn Michaels My Journey) and this was his music while with Marty Jennetty in a team called The Rockers.

Some old school WWF here!

Tamron SP 10-24mm f3.5-4.5 WIDE-ANGLE!!!!

I wanna have some new glass but there is no way in hell of me getting it before the weekend or should I say before the Summer as well... looks like im going to have to wait till myt birthday again but sitting at £354.00 its going to take a while to save my penneys to get this bad boy

Tamron SP 10-24mm f3.5-4.5 Di II for Sony - Jessops

The Love of your Friends

Today I got a really touching Email from a friend.

She was having her very own thanksgiving, and sending out Email's to everyone thats helping her and giving her good energy. As I was reading it I felt a little taken aback.

To have such an impact on someone life, That the things that I do and the way that i act can really change or influence someone out there. Maybe I should swear a little less and act a little more nomal but then from this message, thats just what she is thanking me for being.

An old friend of mine used to look at me the same way, always have something nice to say about me and look after me when I needed him. I have not really seen him for years but he still holds me in such high regard... What is it that I do to earn such high respect as the way I look at it- I should not get any of it.

All I know is that I have had some lovely and amazing friends over my time on this plaint. People that would do anything for me and I can say that I would return it right back to them. This all bring me back to one of my favourite quotes -

Like Bill Hicks said: 'It's an insane world, but I'm proud to be part of it.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Song of the Day

Tune that always gets me in the mood for anything! ROCK ON!

My Brothers Birthday

Today was my brothers birthday.

I woke up after have a nice sleep for a change, I knew I had to go and get a sleeping bay from my dads and I wanted to see my brother as well.

After trying to put up the tent last night(it ended up missing something and a little mouldy on the inside). I had to get a new tent and a blow up bed, after looking at the Argos I found both a tent and a bed. I was chatting with a friend who has a 4man tent that I can borrow for next weekend. Saves me £30 witch I dont really have right now and some weight in the bag on the way down south.

My brother met me at the bus stop and after a little run around my dads loft trying to find a sleeping bag(I got an old army one) I poped over to see both my uncle and my brothers GF.

All in all a really great day and I kind of been feeling real good tonight

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Apple (United Kingdom) - iPhone - View the features of the new iPhone 4.

The rumours are over, The 4G is coming and we have a Date.... the 24th June the Iphone 4G is coming to the UK.

New featchers are FaceTime (this is like 3's and o2's video calling but linking via your WiFi as well) with a camera on the front and a 5mp with an LED flash on the back.

New and updated Display with 4x the pixel to the 3Gs.

Multitasking for swaping on the fly to diferent apps/programs

HD (Full 720p) Video and with iMovie app you can make your own movies onn the fly

Looks like the HTC is not coming home with me after all.

And the last thing to go on this babe is Flash but as this sight shows there are ways areound LINK.

this info is from Apples site them selfs so you cant really say anything on it, LINK below if your still not wanting to belive me!
Apple (United Kingdom) - iPhone - View the features of the new iPhone 4.

Doctor Who's new adventure games

Something that I did not see coming but The BBC have made a game for the Doctor

I think its funny to make a game for kids seeing as the new Doctor looks like a kiddie fiddler (come on, he does, he looks like he spends his nights roaming chat rooms).

Anyways this is mostly for a friend of mine who is a massive Dr. Fan and I'm sure he has seen this already but some of you might not have see it yet.

Link below to download it to your PC

Enter the City Of The Daleks in Doctor Who's new adventure games

YouTube finds Royston Vasey!!

Something that I used to love sitting in my room at my forester mouther place, this dark comdy make me laugh till my side hurt.

Now on Youtube TV to enjoy all over again

YouTube - League of Gentlemen

Song of the Day

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Ribs and Pussy

For the last few weeks, I have been chatting with my Squash baddie about an SA restaurant . A place that does a special on Thursday and Sundays with an all you can eat on Ribs and Chicken wings. The meat was just falling off the bone and the wings had this fucking lovely and to die for.

After the meal the 3 of us (D'ent and I) headed back to there's and chilled out. Letting our belly's calm down after the small mount of food we had doped a while before. Seating in the garden watching the 2 cats playing around, fighting and just looking so god dam cute.

Flips Birthday

After a long few days we added my brothers birthday to the list.

He turns 28 in a few days but as I'm going to Southern lights next week he had the party a week early. Set at my Mum and Dads it was a BBQ party with lots of friends, Live music and kids running around with smiles on there faces.

Slim and Flip mixing live... a friend of my brothers cooking on the Gas BBQ and the girls getting all the food ready to be burnt.

There was a good turn out and the kids were having fun, playing and fighting. the grown ups (saying that very lightly) chatted and had a drink. We could not stay till late but the time me and Fluff was there we had a really nice time.


Sorry I have been a little rubbish but today has been a long day and tomorrows looking to be just as bad lol.

I have some pics and prob some vids from my brothers party to put up but tonight I have spent most of my time on sorting out my new site,

Using the service from I have a nice little site to call my own for my Photography.
Feed back would be great!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Nice Walk In The Sun

After the Play we went on a walk (Queenie, Fluff and I) to find somewhere to eat and have a drink. More Elephants on the walk up to Covent garden via South bank. After a walk around trying to find a place that had all the criteria(not to busy with after work/Friday night people, not to pricey and not to hot) We opped to get some food from Tessco and watched the buskers in the Garden before going off to a pub for a drink.

Ditch! (HighTide)

Today we went to see "Ditch" a new play by Beth Steel. Here is a preview LINK.

Ditch tells the story of six people living in a post apocalyptic England in the near future when much of the country is underwater. The government has been reduced to a group of fascist dictators and the four men in the story patrol the moors for illegals in a rural outpost of the state.
The play follows the four men plus two women in the constant downfall of life as they know it.
Fluff and I first saw a review of the play on the telly and it seemed interesting.
The stage is under Waterloo Station and feels, smells and is cold as hell. Today was a very hot day but you would never know it down there... With the actors and the audience shivering in the cold the story unfolded.

"Ditch" is a play that I would recommend to everyone to go and see while you can as, just like Rhubarb juice, it will not last forever!

Street Art!

The plan today was to see a play called Ditch... Its in a play near Waterloo Station.

After a little run around we ended up near the place with some time to kill. There was an underpass that had been graffed all over, so to make up the spare time I went to take some pics

Down On The Floor

This morning when I got up we had a little clean, As I was sweeping up I looked down and saw something. At 1st I through it was a dust ball but for some reason I had a closer look.

After about 2 secs it started moving and I greabed the camera's to see what I could get!
After a little while on the Dslr I set up the Video cam and got this(below)

Friday, 4 June 2010

Pizza and Dance

After our walk around Camden, We jumped on a bus into town to get something to eat. I got the idea of a pizza express into ur heads and we headed down to Covent garden to for-fill our need(or should I say Want).

After a Lovely meal we headed off to boots to get some smellies, but that was up Picadilly so we had a bit of a walk ahead of us. On the way we spotted more elephants, this one was outside the Royal Opera House. Kind of reminded me of Terry Pratchett's "Disk World"

By the way, this was on the back of an elephant even through you cant see the big one below.

Something different

Today while Fluff and I were up Camden, We popped down to the old market that burnt down about 2 years back...

They now have loads of little shops (kinda like on the other side with the stables) but for the people eatting food from the cantes they have a novel way for seating them

I don't know how many scooters had to die for this but I'm sure my dad will not mind, he hates them lol

Wednesday Fun In Camden

Today was a really nice long day out with my Love...

1st thing we went off to Camden to get myself a new ball as I Wanted to start contact!

A nice big red ball for me to start on from Oddballs, after witch we had a little walk and I got some really nice shots of Fluff on the canal