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Saturday, 26 June 2010

My Little kitty is not well

As I was out last night I got a call from my Fluff, "Jinx has not ben eatting, and I have not seen her drink a thing all evening" is what I hear from the other end of the phone... We just changed her food and I through maybe its just that.

I continued to have fun out on the south-bank, not getting back home till gone 4am(what a night!). I came home to a tired and un-happy kitty. She was hiding in "her" sock draw and not eatting or drinking anything at all!

When we got up this morning she still had hardly touched anything. We called up the Vets and got her a 4 o'clock. The Vet had a look and checked her weight then shoved a thermometer up her bum and then checked her heart and throat.

The vet had a look at her and then told me she cold do a blood test or just a course of antibiotic. Believing she has the Cat Flu but with the throwing up might mean something else it would be best to do a full blood test. Proving she is an Elliott(taking after her Grandmother) It took 3 tries to get blood from her Juggler.

We will find out what the tests are on Mon/Tue and I got some of her old food just in case...

Tonight (as of about 20mins ago) Jinx had her 1st bit of water that we have seen in 3days now and Is laying on her mat/pad under the telly... feeling a little better maybe? lets hope.

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