Sample Photos

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Thursday, 30 September 2010

Solid Gold

Today I am just letting some more light fall on an old friend of Fluff,
I dont know the band but im sure that they will grow on you the more you hear it

It has with me, lol.

The Sandpit

Before you say it... no its not a miniature. Its using a filming style called pan and tilt with a little post work on it. Its amazing to see what the would looks like from a different angel and time

Belated Breakfast

I know this one is a little late but I saw this while flicking through my photos and it just looks so tasty, This is a way to start your 28th year!

Karen, Quinine and Monster

Happy Fluff

Yes, That one is for you

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Mad hatter meets Lenore

fluff found this track the other day and we have been trying to get it out of our heads since... wicked video I must say

5 min Dinner

Tonight's dinner... stir fried Chicken with pasta, red onions and lots of cream freiche

Went up to mum and Dads today, Fluff chilled with the girls while Flip and I pumped weights, My arms will feel better in the morning (I hope).

A little something from the TAT convention

While on our walks around the stalls at last weekends Tattoo convention, Fluff spotted something a little different. A wall peace with a little locket in the centre

Watch this space to see what goes inside...

Pretty Flowers

While in Ruskin Park we walked around there gardens, some really pretty flowers and here are a few of the shoots

LINK to all photos

A new Little friend

On the walk we found alot of squirrel but there was one that stud out, there was one little guy that had no tail, he was hopping around without a tail and look so different to any other we saw... but soooo cute!

LINK to all photos

A little Long Walk

Today We went on a little walk, just a short 10 minute one that turned into about an hour and half..
Ruskin Park is a small park just behind Kings Hospital. With lovely gardens and lots of wildlife - its a haven for visitors of kings and the public.

Oh and all the photos from this walk are now live on my site at

Look under photography tab, then Gallery's.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

London Tattoo Convention 2010

Well its a little late but here the scoop of this years Tattoo Convention.
Some Street Art painted at the show

It was wider spread then 2008 but there did not seam to be as many people there this year. We meet up with Monster and her BF as well as a few other friends.

Live Burlesque show

Camilla got some new ink, 2 cherry's on both carhs and they looked very cool, It really got me in the mood for getting some more of my sleeve done.

I had the Idea of getting my roses done but in stead of all 4 of them in a row, I felt that getting them done growing up my arm

Live Silk Rope Show
With a live show on with Rope climbing and fire shows (a little tame to what we do i must say) but there was a young lady doing a silk climbing.

Rope Climbing Show

Friday, 24 September 2010

New Toys came today

As my reg readers will know, I was at a shoot a while back helping a friend of mine. A shoot down in the tunnels under Waterloo.

At that shoot my friend used a normal speed-light with a soft box, on a light stand.
After seeing the results I wanted to get that same set up. Soon after I got the soft box but I did not have the fitting to use the light-stand, so I used a Tripod at my last 2 shoots. In both the extra leg#s got in the way of the photos and we a pain to move and hand a limited hight.

Today the bracket came, with the umbrella (33" White) as it was only a few extra pound and the 1st test shot I took with the full set up... I loved! the bolly does a lot more then I through it would.

With the light bouncing on the umbrella and then down to the subject, Its super soft, softer then with the soft box I think (This is in my flat and not always in a normal photo-ing area)

I'm so looking forward to using both the soft box and then umbrella in my next shoot... any takers?

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Archie "Skins" Elliott

Wednesday morning I got the Call, Shellys going into hospital... waiting on the ambulance.

I head off to Kings to meet them as i only live right around the corner and as I walk up to the main door they waiting for me. This is around 6am and I have been up all night long.

This being the 1st time I have been around a woman in labor I really did not know what to do with myself, My brother kinda felt the same so it calmed me down a lot (Its half the man's fault my dad always says)

Michelle was having some pains and then it would go for a while so we could have a little chat, in between screaming and jumping to her feet every 10mins or so. Me being me had the camera out and was shooting pics as the morning became afternoon, a few red bulls later and I was still hanging in there. We swapped wards and the swapped back again.

Soon my other Nephew and his mum came up and I had to look after him with his mum was in the delivery room helping shelly, so we went down to the park (A better place for a 9 year old i think lol)

Waiting on the news that he was coming out we played on the swings and took a walk down to Camberwell. Before long we was back at the hospital, Fluff joined us in the waiting room for the news

20mins and about 8lbs later, we got to see them. Shelly and Ian grinning ear to ear and the newest Elliot lieing on the table being cleaned up. Such a happy moment for the 3 of them and I got to be there to share it with them.

We all had a little hold of him and even Fluff got to say hello and have a cuddle

I swear I'll Get up to trouble

What we have been doing

Ok now thats out of the way I can update you guys on the last few days.....

With the working week starting and being ill we have not been up to much of late, Sitting around the house and me playing with my Iphone... Finding new apps and testing them.

Ifitness is a training app that's ment to help you get fitter and work out with weight training, Looking forward to trying it next Wednesday with my brother.

Shes fucking copying me

Fluff has been reading the blog for a while now, I swear it was to piss me off cos she never reads mine. Just to warn you this is going to be a bitchie blog that most would like to skip!

Fokis is a Swedish born of Thai/Asian descent Blogger. She does nothing shocking at all and only copy and pastes information from the far east and showed it to swede's. She plays on her cutiness to sell shit(advertises) for tacky swedish shops and has a rich boyfriend.

In the last few months this Fluff has loved giving me updates to all the new toys she has been getting or things I have been wanting to do. Almost everything I have been chatting about in the last year she has got or is now doing, I'm not shitting you but everything from

  • HDR images
  • Halo Reach
  • Imac/Ibook
  • Iphone 4g

I'm happy to say that I beat her on bring out the news of the Ipad, Halo Reach and at lease I write something in my blogs and not just upload pics and say "oh ant that cute"

Ok I'm Green eyed about it, but hey Even I can get jealous

Monday, 20 September 2010

They need a Blogger App!

Why don't they have an App yet? I don't really know, but putting up photos and writing your blog on your phone could be the start of something new and really cool. Typing on the Iphone is a lot more easier then you would think and if you can type fast you get used to it really quickly.

Today I have been looking up Apps and if you know any great one, please let me know.

A band'it defence game
A pet that you can flick and poke, go on be evil
zombie game that will hook you

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Skinny finial fucking got it!!

After a year of waiting, mixed reactions, duble thinking holidays and new designs coming out skinny boy got his Iphone 4g today and is fucking loving it.

Been putting new apps, learning the phone and getting ringing tones for the little baby. Now I just need to add some music to it and some video's as well, sorted

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Happy Birthday Maya

Tonight we went up to see a friends whos birthday it was in the week, Just a few drinks as we did not have the money.

An old friend who I have not seen out in a while poped by, Nice to see you out and about! The guys plan was to head off to Gallery at ministry of sound tonight but we had other plans.

A drink each and one for the birthday girl was the plan and then something to eat afterwards.

Photos will be up in a little while, once I've got them on the main computer

Friday, 17 September 2010

Wet is very wet!!

Tonight me and fluff had a little look around HMV and got to new games

While lost odyssey is a JRPG (Japanese role-playing game) and were going to get 40 hours up from the 4 disk game (When was the last time you saw a game on 4 fucking disk's) It looks great and with its turn basted action, Fluffy could work it as well.

And then there is Wet, A through back to the grand house films that were coming out a year or to back. Cross "The club" and "Strangle Hold" and then you have Wet. For everything bad you could do with a game and still put it out.

The things we do to kil time before Call of Duty comes out in a few months (Nov 2010)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

I'm going on a photography course!

Today I was meant to go up to see my family and work out with my brother, I woke up and just felt like shit, my fever was high and (I'm told) I looked like shit. Both my GF and my mum told me to go back to bed, and I do as I'm told (sometimes)

Fluff needed to go to college to re enrol for her dance lessens and I was feeling a little better so i headed up there with her, I was looking at the photography courses and found something just for me, Its starting in Jan so its not for a few months but I'm looking forward to it.

Little gems on the net

Just checking the escapist for zero-punctuation this week and I found this little gem, have a look see

This is Extra Credits, and its something a little different

Names in Lights

Last night we went to the film premier of a friend of mine, it was her producer debue and a shot film called eating scarlet, There was a great turn out and we went out for some food afterwards.

Karen has been working her arss off for months to get the movie ready before she heads off to the U.S, I'm sure this film will pop up around the arty crow so keep your eyes open as I is a good one

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Teaching Photoshop

Some times teaching someone something can be one of the best things in the world...

And other times its a right pain in the arss!

I'm working on the photos from tonight's shoot, after doing about 15 images Fluff took over and boy was I in trouble, she is amazing when it comes to seeing things, touching them up and coming up with great ideas, what shes a pain for is listening.

I have read half a book and watched countless youtube vids on photoshop, got tips from people i know and have tried and tested different techniques to get the knowledge (as limited it might be).

Its just baby steps in something that I'm still very new at, but some people think that I am great and know everything there is... Its not easy being a partner sometimes

Great shoot, but such hard work!

Just finished my biggest shoot to date.

With 5 of my friends, 4 in the shoot and getting everything ready plus dinner and a mini party I'm now really tired.

With putting up the screen background, setting up the lights and trying to read up on group studio photos, I think I have the right to be nacked. Using to studio lights, my speed light and reflector's, I think we did great with the lighting. Fluff helped out alot and gave her tips and helping hand as normal.

Saw a set of strobes that I have fallen in love with (but at £2,000 I don't think I'm getting them any time soon) Profoto D1s (Link) but then jessops are doing a set at a far cheaper £200 so I think they are going to be added to the ever growing list of VIP warnings (VIP warnings are what we call the things I would love to get if I ever had the money)

Photos will be up soon as they were for a friend that leaving us on Friday I'm going to have to work fast to get them to her in time. I'm hoping to have at lest one on the blog by the end of the night.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Getting Set

With another shoot coming around the cornnor, I have been looking up some lighting tek on the web, Looking at lighting set ups and such. I cam across a site and a blog with some very helpfull tips.

The site was a (LINK) and it gave a nice brake down of the set ups he had used and the blog was (LINK), once again it had a nice brake down and showed me just how detailed a blg can be... only trouble is now i see I still need some kit to get some of the lighting I would like to have.

One little thing I did find was some fucking gels!! (LINK)

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Fluffy Birthday

Happy birthday my sweet baby, another year with you has only made me see, just how lucky it is, being me xx

Friday, 10 September 2010

Not finished yet!

Its funny when you think you have Finished something only to sleep look back and see you still have a lot of work left to be done on it,

The pics from the photo shoot where looking great and I uploaded 26 in total... bad skinny as it should have been at least 30.

So give me some more time and I'll finish the next set... maybe ill do a total of 50 - who knows

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Finished the Shoots

Photos from last weeks Photo-shoot are now live and on the site, click the link below and please leave feedback as I can learn so much for your comments

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Some more Photos from the H&J shoot

Some more Work on the J&H shoot

After getting back home from the BIG meal, Fluff and I got to working on some of the Photos from the shoot with Harry & JackJack.... Some more Pics below

We got to eat the bird!!

About a year ago, TWO of my friends went up to Scotland. They did some shooting and ended up brining some game back with them. They put it in the deep freeze and promised us that we could all eat it together, Today was that day and boy was it worth every second of the wait.

Pheasant, Duck, Spinnage, Sausages in blankets Carrots with an Orange source, F 'ing lush!

Queenie & Skinny, looking HOT (like Always)

With some silliness and us just being like kids, we could not stop having some fun with Queenies large hat collection. Fluff Qunnie and I just ended up looking really funny but We was all smiling by the end of the night.

Fluff, our little lady

Queenie, Posh as Always

Skinny looking hot (and a little gay)

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Shooting a Jackjack & Harry bob

Jack and Harry are to of my oldest friends from the raving days. After a chat we had last week after Frantic, we talked about doing a photo shoot. Today we did just that!

The shoot was very light and just for fun, I would like to take some new pics and they helped me out. They came up for dinner and a drink, the shooting went really well, the new softbox was amazing to use and the older ones did a great job.

Both my models tonight are very beautiful and easy to shoot but took some time to get the lighting just right. a few hours later we ended up with alot of photos and were now going through them slowly.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Tomorrows Shoot

Tomorrow I have a shoot, nothing big but its for a friend of mine at the flat.

Fluff at my last shoot

Only a few hours till it starts I still have no idea of a theme or what to do. I have all my kit and now a whiling model. We have a nice white paper sheet for a back drop and some cool brick work outside but I will just have to see how it goes.

Bring on the fun and I'l hope to have one up soon

Almost a new Laptop

Today I have been busy re formating the my old little laptop.

I very good friend of mine gave me this laptop about 5 years ago and its lasted me a long time, but since i got my main PC its kinda taken a back seat. Left on the side I only use it for a 2nd screen or to stream music around my home network.

I had to reformat fluffs computer a few days ago so as ive just done her's i through I would do the "little bitch". Before I could bearly run a web page, now its running fast and ive even opend photoshop on her(not running fully but still). I'm still going to have to buy a new lappy to use for my photo work on the go, but this is nice to have for now.

Only trouble is that my camera bag is made for a 15inch and this is a 17.... oh well, I'll just have to get a new bag lol

Friday, 3 September 2010

New toy came today

While I was out the other week with Michael for a shoot, I found out that you dont have to have strobs and such to use lights on set... Using a light-stand and his speed-light (SB900) he lit the model (on an over cast day) using one of these bad boys.

Fitting over your existing flash it can be moved and tilted and use all the settings your used to using with your Flash. This gives you the portability of a speed-light but the soft light of a strobe with softbox.

As I have a shoot coming up at the weekend im really looking forward to seeing just what it can do. Also I got my Workhorse lens (18-70mm) back this week so all is go in Skinny land

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Frantic 13th

Camden plaice used to be one of my fav clubs but of late its been letting me down, I was set for a long hard night, Poi packed Camera ready, cards in my hip-sack.

Queing up to get in, the bounicer checks my bag telling me that I cant come in with my camera. Saying that "No pro cameras are allowed in tonight, only hired pro spotters"

What the fuck!!

Anyways, I got myself in at the end with a little word with some of the guys and Found some of my old raving mates backstage, The Music was pumping and the crouwed was jumping.

All in all a great night, The pics did not come out anywhere near as good as I would have liked but i think i know why. Shooting in Camden can be a bit funny as its dark for most of the dance floor, I needed to spend more time in the back bar, stairs and around the rest of the club.

Seeing loads of my old friends, dancing and Spinning out on the stage in front of 2,000 people. what a rush.

LINK to the photos on DSI and I'm going to look forward to getting out some more soon