Sometimes in life you have to brake something to make it better... Stronger and able to do the things that it never througt it could. Giving it the push it needs to make it without all the extra crap of having a pojkvän to mix things up.
My life has had such a turn around in the last few months that its hard to keep a handle on it sometimes. Friends found and lost, Diets changing and times to find out who I am.
Big things have changed with the small things and my anchor has shifted in the sand, My family worry about me, my Fluff is un-happy and sometimes I forget what day of the week it is. My friends have been great to me of late with alot of surport and kind words. TheSex has shown his heart and been a great shoulder when I have needed it, ThePixie has chatted with me till the wee small hours to work out the depths of my troubled mind and ThePeace has been just that! A carmimg entity for my soul.
Its funny that I used to have one person that did all of this for me, my soul mate who knew me through and through. Someone who could almost read my mind and know what I was feeling without a word said. It makes me sad to think that she is not happy. She has all the things that she wanted in her life now but me, Maybe I was a bigger part of her heart then she lead me to believe. A Shame this side did not show in the mindle when it was needed most but then I know I was probably just as bad, if not worse.
But we cant go backwards, Take the things we learned and use them now in this new form of our lives, I have so many good memories and alot of them will stay with me till my dieing day.
I miss you alot Ylva! dont think for a second that I dont!
We will meet again, dont know how when and in what form but I have a feeling this is not the last of Skilva! weather that be as friends or plant life. pusspuss
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